Hybrid or Native: Navigating App Development Choices and Offline Capabilities

1. When should I choose hybrid apps?

Choosing hybrid app development is ideal in specific scenarios:

  • Cross-Platform Development Needs: If you need to launch your app on multiple platforms (like iOS and Android) quickly and with a limited budget, hybrid development allows you to write a single codebase that works across multiple platforms, saving time and resources.
  • Limited Budget and Resources: For startups or businesses with constrained budgets, hybrid apps can be cost-effective. They require less specialized skill sets compared to native development for each platform.
  • Moderate Performance Requirements: If your app does not require high-end graphics or intensive use of device features, hybrid apps can provide a satisfactory user experience.
  • Faster Development and Deployment: Hybrid apps can be developed, tested, and launched more quickly than native apps, which is beneficial if time-to-market is a critical factor.
  • Web-based Services Integration: If your app primarily delivers content from a website or needs to be closely integrated with web-based services, hybrid development can be more straightforward, leveraging existing web technologies.
  • Less Complex Applications: For apps that are less complex in terms of functionality – like content-driven apps without heavy use of native features – hybrid development can be quite efficient.
  • Update Frequency: If you anticipate frequent updates to your app, especially content updates, a hybrid app can be advantageous as updates can be pushed directly through the web portion of the app without needing to go through the app store approval process each time.

Evaluating these factors in the context of your app’s specific requirements is important. If high performance, advanced UI/UX, and deep integration with device capabilities are critical, then native development might be a better choice. Hybrid apps offer a balanced solution for simpler applications and quicker, cost-effective deployment across multiple platforms.

2. When should you choose a hybrid web app over a native app?

Hybrid apps, which combine elements of both native and web applications, offer a range of advantages and disadvantages:


    • Cross-Platform Development: Hybrid apps are developed using a single codebase that can be deployed across multiple platforms (iOS, Android). This reduces development time and effort.
    • Cost-Effective: Generally, they are more cost-effective to develop than native apps, especially if you are targeting multiple platforms.
    • Easier Updates: Updating hybrid apps can be simpler since changes made to the web portion can be reflected across all platforms without submitting a new version to each app store.
    • Faster Development Time: The shared codebase speeds up the development process, allowing quicker launches.
    • Access to Device Capabilities: Through plugins and APIs, hybrid apps can access device features like the camera, accelerometer, and push notifications, though not as extensively as native apps.
    • Web Technologies: They are built with common web technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript), which many developers are already familiar with.


    • Performance: Hybrid apps typically perform slower than native apps, especially for graphically intensive applications or those requiring high-speed, real-time data processing.
    • User Experience: They may not provide a user experience that is smooth or native-like, and matching the look and feel of different platforms can be challenging.
    • Limited Functionality: Access to device features and functionalities can be limited compared to native apps. Complex tasks requiring deep integration with the device’s hardware might be less efficient.
    • Dependency on Frameworks and Tools: Hybrid apps rely on third-party frameworks like Cordova or Ionic. Any limitations or issues with these frameworks can impact the app.
    • Offline Capabilities: While they can work offline, their capabilities in this area are typically less robust than native apps.
    • Complex Debugging: Debugging hybrid apps can be more challenging as it involves both native and web components.

Hybrid apps are a good choice for simpler applications, for those with content-focused needs, or when cost and time efficiency are priorities. However, for high-performance, feature-rich applications or those requiring intensive use of device capabilities, native app development might be more suitable.

3. What is the core advantage of a hybrid app?

The core advantage of a hybrid app is its ability to allow cross-platform development using a single codebase. This means you can develop the app once and deploy it on multiple platforms, such as iOS and Android, without writing platform-specific code for each one. 

Here are some key benefits stemming from this core advantage:

  • Cost-Effectiveness: Developing a single application that works across multiple platforms is generally more cost-effective than building separate native apps for each platform.
  • Faster Development Time: Since you’re essentially developing one app instead of multiple, the time from concept to launch can be significantly shorter.
  • Easier Updates and Maintenance: With a single codebase, updates and maintenance can be implemented more efficiently. Changes need to be made just once and can be pushed to all platforms simultaneously.
  • Wider Market Reach: Hybrid apps can be deployed across multiple platforms, allowing you to reach a broader audience without additional development resources.
  • Good Balance Between Performance and Flexibility: While hybrid apps may not match the performance of native apps, they offer a good balance between functional performance and development flexibility for many types of applications.
  • Utilization of Web Technologies: Hybrid apps leverage web technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript), which many developers are already familiar with, reducing the learning curve and resource requirements.

4. What are the advantages of native apps over hybrid apps?

Native apps, designed specifically for a particular platform like iOS or Android, have several advantages over hybrid apps:

  • Optimal Performance: Native apps are faster and more responsive. They are directly compiled into machine code, which is the best recipe for high-speed execution, crucial for intensive tasks and smooth animations.
  • Better User Experience: They adhere closely to the guidelines of each operating system, offering a more intuitive and integrated user experience. This includes familiarity with UI elements, gestures, and overall flow.
  • Full Access to Device Features: Native apps can fully leverage the device’s hardware and software, such as the GPS, camera, microphone, accelerometer, and swipe gestures. This results in better performance and capabilities that are not always fully available in hybrid apps.
  • More Secure: They generally offer higher security due to the direct use of native tools and hardware-oriented security features.
  • Offline Performance: Native apps are more effective in handling offline scenarios and can store significant amounts of data more securely.
  • Fewer Bugs During Development: Direct interaction with native APIs reduces the complexity and potential bugs that might arise from relying on a bridge or a layer (as in hybrid apps).
  • Advanced UI Interactions and Animations: With access to specific development tools of each platform, native apps can utilize advanced UI interactions and animations, enhancing the user experience.
  • Market Perception: Native apps tend to have a perception of being more ‘professional’ and ‘serious’ in the market.
  • Scalability and Longevity: They are generally more scalable and have a longer life span as they align closely with the ecosystem of the chosen platform.

5. Can hybrid apps work offline?

Yes, hybrid apps can work offline. This capability is one of the significant advantages of hybrid apps. They achieve offline functionality by storing data locally on the device. 

Here’s how it works:

  1. Local Data Storage: Hybrid apps can store data directly on the device. This can include user preferences, application settings, and even cached data from previous online activities. Tools like local databases or storage solutions are used for this purpose.
  2. Caching Mechanisms: Hybrid apps often use caching to store certain elements like web pages, images, or other resources. When there’s no internet connection, these cached resources can be accessed, allowing the app to function.
  3. Service Workers: In some hybrid app frameworks, service workers are used to manage offline requests and data syncing. They act as a network proxy, allowing the app to load and perform tasks offline by serving data from the cache.
  4. Synchronization Features: For functionality that requires internet access, such as sending messages or updating data, hybrid apps typically collect and store actions performed offline. Once the device reconnects to the internet, these actions can be synchronized with the server.

It’s important to note that while hybrid apps can function offline, the extent of their offline capabilities depends on how they are developed and the nature of the features they include. For apps that rely heavily on real-time data from the internet, the offline functionality might be limited to basic tasks. However, more extensive offline functionality is possible for apps where data can be pre-loaded or cached.

Best Cross-Platform Mobile Development Tools in 2024

In 2024, cross-platform mobile development has emerged as a key strategy for businesses and developers aiming to maximize their reach and efficiency. With smartphones and tablets becoming increasingly central to our daily lives, the ability to create versatile, efficient, and engaging mobile applications is more crucial than ever. 

Cross-platform mobile development tools are revolutionizing the way mobile applications are developed, offering solutions that blend the benefits of broad accessibility with cost-effectiveness. According to Statista, there are 4.74 billion smartphone users as of 2024. This statistic shows the important role of cross-platform app development, which stands as a strategic solution in this tech-driven era.

Number of smartphone users worldwide from 2013 to 2028. (Statista

The Most Popular Operating Systems in 2024

Operating systems are the backbone of our digital experiences, providing the crucial interface between users and their devices. They facilitate the running of applications, manage hardware resources, and execute vital system-level tasks. 

Android and iOS are the two leading operating systems for mobile devices worldwide in 2024. The choice of an operating system significantly impacts user experience and productivity, making it a key consideration for businesses and developers. In today’s diverse market, understanding user demographics and preferences is essential.

App developers aiming to engage a substantial user base must know the operating systems used by their target audience. According to Statcounter, a real-time web analytics service shows that as of January 2024, Android holds a dominant market share of 70.28%, while iOS accounts for 28.99%.

Mobile Operating System Market Share Worldwide (Dec 2022 – Dec 2023) – Statcounter

According to Statista, 87% of software developers working with mobile development work on Android applications, while only 60% work on applications for Apple’s iOS. This statistic shows clear insight into the current global preferences and trends in mobile device usage. These statistics represent the preferences and accessibility of millions of users worldwide.

Mobile operating system most popular with developers.

Which mobile operating system do you develop for? (Statista

The preference for Android development can be attributed to its vast market share, open ecosystem, and flexibility in development and deployment. However, the significant proportion of developers working on iOS applications must be noticed, as it speaks to the platform’s high income and engaged user base, often associated with higher revenue potential per user.

The number of mobile apps available in leading app stores in 2024 are as follows:

  • Google Play: 2,870,000 apps
  • Apple Store: 1,960,000 apps
  • Windows Store: 669,000 apps
  • Amazon Appstore: 450,000 apps

Despite the challenges many businesses face in 2024, the mobile app market has continued to thrive. To maximize your impact in the mobile application market, targeting both Android and iOS users is important. There are two effective strategies to achieve this: native development and cross-platform development tools.

Cross-Platform vs Native Development

In mobile app development, choosing between cross-platform and native development is a critical decision. Each approach has distinct advantages and drawbacks that can significantly influence the success of an app. Understanding these differences is key to selecting your project’s development strategy.

Cross-platform development involves creating a single app that runs on multiple operating systems, like iOS and Android. This approach is highly valued for its efficiency and broader reach. 

On the other hand, native development involves building separate apps for each operating system, utilizing platform-specific programming languages and tools. This method is known for delivering high performance and a superior user experience but requires more resources.

Pros and Cons of Cross-Platform Mobile Development


  1. Cost-Effectiveness: Cross-platform development reduces overall costs by eliminating the need to build separate apps for each platform.
  2. Faster Development: Writing a single codebase for all platforms accelerates the development process, enabling quicker market entry.
  3. Easier Maintenance: Updating and maintaining one codebase is simpler and more efficient than managing multiple native apps.
  4. Broader Reach: Cross-platform apps can attract a wider audience as they are accessible on multiple operating systems.


  1. Performance Issues: These apps may not perform as efficiently as native apps, especially in handling complex tasks or graphics.
  2. Limited Access to Device Features: Cross-platform tools might not support all native device features, potentially leading to a less enriched user experience.

Inconsistencies in UI/UX: Achieving a uniform user experience across different platforms can be challenging.

Pros and Cons of Native Development


  1. Optimized Performance: Native apps are specifically designed for their platform, resulting in faster and more responsive performance.
  2. Better User Experience: Leveraging platform-specific UI/UX standards, native apps offer a more intuitive and engaging experience.
  3. Full Access to Device Capabilities: Native development allows full utilization of the device’s hardware and software features, like GPS, camera, and gestures.


  1. Higher Cost: Developing separate apps for each platform can significantly increase the development and maintenance costs.
  2. Longer Development Time: Building and testing apps for each platform individually requires more time, delaying the product’s launch.

Complex Maintenance: Updating and maintaining multiple codebases can be resource-intensive and time-consuming.

Which Cross-Platform Mobile Development Tool is Right for you?

Selecting the right cross-platform mobile development tools is an important decision that can significantly impact the success and efficiency of your app development process. 

Below are key factors to consider when selecting a cross-platform mobile development tool:


1. Reliability

The reliability of a development tool is important. This encompasses the tool’s stability, consistent performance, and its ability to deliver error-free operation over time. A reliable tool minimizes the risk of crashes and bugs, which can otherwise lead to a poor user experience and increased development time. Assessing the track record of a tool, reading user reviews, and understanding its update history can give insights into its reliability.


2. Budget

Budget considerations are crucial in the selection process. This includes the initial costs of licensing and acquisition and the long-term costs associated with development, maintenance, and updates. 

Some tools may offer free versions but come with limitations or require payment for additional features. Evaluating the total cost of ownership and how it aligns with your budget constraints is important.


3. Support of Tools

The level of support provided by the tool’s developers and its user community can greatly influence your development experience. A tool with robust support means easier troubleshooting, access to a wealth of knowledge, and potentially quicker resolution of issues. 

Tools like React Native, Ionic, and Flutter boast large support communities, comprehensive documentation, and dedicated websites to assist developers with complex projects. This means you will have resources available to troubleshoot any issues that arise during development. 


4. Compatibility and Performance

A critical factor is how well a tool performs across different platforms and devices. The goal is to ensure that your app provides a consistent and smooth user experience, irrespective of the device or operating system. 

A suitable tool should offer high compatibility with various platforms and devices, ensuring that your app works well everywhere. Performance is also crucial; the tool should enable fast, responsive, and efficient development of apps. Testing the tool across various devices and platforms during the trial phase can give a clear picture of its compatibility and performance capabilities.


5. Scalability

Finally, consider the scalability of the tool. As your app grows in terms of user base or functionality, the development tool should be able to scale accordingly. This involves supporting additional features, handling increased user traffic, and integrating with other tools or services. Scalability ensures that your chosen development tool can continue to meet its changing demands as your app evolves without necessitating a switch to a new platform.

Best Cross-Platform Mobile Development Tools in 2024

1. React Native

React Native, developed by Facebook (now Meta), is a leading name in cross-platform mobile development tools. It allows developers to build mobile apps using JavaScript and React, offering a unique blend of native performance and the efficiency of web technology.

Key Features

  • Native Components: React Native uses native components under the hood, providing a look and feel indistinguishable from apps built with native (software development kits) SDKs.
  • Hot Reloading: This feature speeds up development by refreshing the UI instantly upon code changes without a full app reload.
  • Vast Community and Ecosystem: One of the most popular frameworks, it boasts extensive community support, numerous libraries, and ready-to-use components.
  • JavaScript and React: Leverages the widely-used JavaScript language and the powerful React library, making it accessible to many developers.


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  • Code Reusability and Efficiency: React Native allows developers to use the same codebase for iOS and Android, significantly reducing development time and effort.
  • Strong Community Support: With backing from Facebook and a large community of developers, React Native offers extensive resources, libraries, and tools, making it easier for developers to find solutions to common problems.
  • Live and Hot Reloading: This feature enhances the development experience by allowing developers to see the latest changes immediately without rebuilding the app.
  • Native Performance: React Native apps are compiled into natively written code, which helps in achieving performance close to native apps.
  • Responsive UI: The framework is designed to provide a smooth and responsive user interface, improving the overall user experience.



  • Native Code Requirements: For some advanced features, developers may need to write native code, which requires knowledge of Java for Android and Objective-C or Swift for iOS.
  • Complex UI/UX Design: Creating complex user interfaces or animations can be more challenging in React Native compared to native development.
  • Memory Management: React Native has been known to face memory management issues, particularly with large applications or those requiring intensive computation.


Debugging Issues: While the tooling and debugging capabilities have improved, some developers still find debugging in React Native less straightforward than in native environments.

2. Flutter

Flutter, developed by Google, is another prominent framework in cross-platform mobile development. Its unique approach to building mobile applications using the Dart programming language has gained popularity. Known for its fast and flexible development process, Flutter allows the creation of visually attractive and natively compiled mobile, web, and desktop applications from a single codebase.

Key Features


  • Widget-Based Framework: Flutter’s rich set of customizable widgets provides a high level of control over the UI, enabling the creation of visually stunning apps.
  • Dart Language: It uses Dart, a language optimized for building UIs with a focus on development speed and fluid user experiences.
  • Hot Reload: This feature significantly speeds up the development cycle by allowing immediate viewing of changes in the code.
  • Skia Graphics Engine: The underlying graphics engine renders the UI, resulting in visually appealing and smooth animations.


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  • High Performance: Flutter apps are compiled to native ARM code, ensuring optimal performance on iOS and Android platforms.
  • Expressive and Flexible UI: The wide range of widgets and customization options make creating aesthetically pleasing and intuitive user interfaces easier.
  • Single Codebase: Similar to React Native, Flutter enables developers to maintain a single codebase for both iOS and Android, enhancing efficiency.
  • Strong Community and Resources: Supported by Google, Flutter has a rapidly growing community and a wealth of resources for developers.



  • Dart Language Familiarity: Developers may need to learn Dart, which is less common than languages like JavaScript.
  • Larger App Size: Flutter apps tend to be larger in size compared to those built with other frameworks, which might be a concern for some applications.
  • Limited Third-Party Libraries: While the number is growing, Flutter’s ecosystem of third-party libraries is not as extensive as some other frameworks, potentially leading to more custom development.
  • Younger Framework: Being relatively new compared to other frameworks, Flutter is still evolving, which may pose challenges in maturity and stability.

3. Ionic

Ionic stands out as an important tool in cross-platform mobile development tools. It’s particularly known for enabling web developers to create effective and high-quality mobile and desktop applications using familiar web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Key Features


  • Web Technologies: Ionic leverages web technologies, making it an accessible choice for developers proficient in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • UI Component Library: Offers a comprehensive library of optimized, pre-made UI components that adapt to different platforms, ensuring a native look and feel.
  • Capacitor: Ionic’s native runtime layer, Capacitor, allows access to native device features across iOS, Android, and the web using a single codebase.
  • Integration with Angular, React, and Vue: Ionic works seamlessly with popular frameworks/libraries, offering flexibility in choosing the preferred development approach.


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  • Improved performance and efficiency, reducing load times and enhancing user experience.
  • Enhanced suite of native plugins, offering more functionality and integration options with native device features.
  • Upgraded tooling and development experience, better supporting modern web frameworks and technologies.



  • Ease of Use for Web Developers: Ionic is highly accessible for developers with a background in web development, allowing for a smooth transition to mobile app development.
  • Wide Range of Plugins: Ionic offers many plugins, enabling access to many native device features.
  • Strong Community Support: As a popular framework, Ionic has a robust community and a wealth of learning resources.
  • Cross-Platform Efficiency: Developers can write one codebase for multiple platforms, significantly reducing development time.



  • Performance Constraints: Ionic apps, being essentially web apps in a native container, may not perform as well as native apps, especially in terms of animation and complex UI interactions.
  • Dependence on Plugins: Access to native device features relies heavily on plugins, which can vary in quality and support.
  • Limited Native Look and Feel: While Ionic tries to mimic native UI elements, the look and feel might not be as seamless as with frameworks like React Native or Flutter.

4. Node.js

Node.js is a powerful and versatile platform often associated with server-side development. However, its use in cross-platform mobile app development is increasingly being recognized. 

Node.js, built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine, enables developers to use JavaScript for server-side scripting—running scripts server-side to produce dynamic web page content before the page is sent to the user’s web browser.

Key Features

  • JavaScript Everywhere: Utilizing JavaScript for both client and server-side development streamlines the development process and reduces the learning curve for web developers moving into mobile app development.
  • Asynchronous and Event-Driven: Node.js uses non-blocking, event-driven architecture, making it suitable for building scalable and efficient applications.
  • NPM (Node Package Manager): A vast repository of libraries and tools available through NPM enhances functionality and accelerates development.
  • Cross-Platform Development Tools: Tools like Electron and NW.js, built on Node.js, allow for creating native-like desktop and mobile applications using web technologies.


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  • Performance optimizations, particularly in handling concurrent processes and I/O operations.
  • Enhanced security features and better support for modern JavaScript syntax and features.
  • Improved integration with front-end frameworks and libraries, facilitating a more seamless development experience for full-stack JavaScript development.



  • Strong Performance for Backend Operations: Node.js is optimized for performance, particularly in handling simultaneous connections and backend processes.
  • Extensive Package Ecosystem: The Node Package Manager (npm) provides a vast array of libraries and tools that can be used in mobile app development.
  • Unified JavaScript Development: Node.js allows developers to use JavaScript both on the server and client sides, promoting code reusability and efficient development practices.
  • Large Developer Community: Node.js has a robust and active community, offering resources, support, and continuous updates.



  • Not Specifically Tailored for Mobile Development: Node.js is not a dedicated mobile development platform, so it might require additional frameworks and tools for building mobile applications.
  • Learning Curve: There can be a learning curve for developers unfamiliar with JavaScript and asynchronous programming.
  • Resource Intensive: Node.js applications can be resource-intensive, which might impact the performance of mobile applications, especially on less powerful devices.

5. Xamarin

Xamarin, a Microsoft-owned framework, has established itself as a robust cross-platform mobile application development framework. It allows developers to use .NET and C# to build Android, iOS, and Windows apps, offering a blend of productivity and native performance.

Key Features

  • .NET and C# for Mobile Development: Xamarin utilizes .NET and C# for building mobile applications, making it a preferred choice for developers familiar with the Microsoft ecosystem.
  • Native Performance: Apps built with Xamarin can achieve native performance levels thanks to its ability to directly access native APIs and functionality on each platform.
  • Shared Codebase: A large portion of the code (up to 90%) can be shared across platforms, significantly reducing development time and effort.
  • Visual Studio Integration: Xamarin seamlessly integrates with Visual Studio, Microsoft’s IDE, offering a rich development environment with sophisticated tools and features.


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  • Enhanced performance and reduced application size, making Xamarin apps more efficient and responsive.
  • Improved tooling and debugging capabilities within Visual Studio, streamlining the development and testing process.
  • Stronger support for the latest iOS and Android features, ensuring Xamarin apps are up-to-date with new platform capabilities.



  • Native Performance and Look: Xamarin applications are compiled into native code, which means they can achieve performance and look that are nearly indistinguishable from apps developed using native SDKs.
  • Strong Microsoft Support: Being part of the Microsoft ecosystem, Xamarin benefits from strong support, regular updates, and seamless integration with other Microsoft tools and services.
  • Large Developer Community: Xamarin has a large and active developer community that provides resources, support, and plugins.
  • C# Language Advantage: For developers familiar with C#, Xamarin provides an efficient path to mobile development without learning new programming languages.



  • Larger App Size: Xamarin apps tend to be larger due to how code is bundled and the need for mono runtime for Android and iOS.
  • Platform-Specific Code: While Xamarin allows for significant code sharing, some platform-specific code is still necessary, especially for complex UI elements or advanced platform-specific features.
  • Learning Curve for .NET and C#: Developers unfamiliar with the .NET framework and C# may face a learning curve.

Main Takeaway

Each tool we’ve discussed in this article offers unique strengths and poses different challenges. The choice of the right cross-platform mobile development tool depends largely on your project requirements, team expertise, budget constraints, and the specific goals of your mobile application.

React Native and Flutter are excellent choices for developers seeking a balance between performance and ease of use, with strong community support. Ionic and Node.js cater well to those with a background in web development, offering a smooth transition to mobile app development. While Xamarin is a robust option for those proficient in C# and the .NET framework.

As the mobile app market continues to evolve, staying informed about the latest developments in cross-platform tools is crucial. The right cross-platform mobile development tool can make the development process more efficient and significantly enhance the quality and reach of your final product.

Ultimately, the goal is to create mobile applications that deliver exceptional user experiences, reach a wider audience, and align with your business objectives. The world of cross-platform mobile development offers a range of tools to help you achieve these goals, making it an exciting time to be in the field of mobile app development.


1. How Much Does App Development Cost?

The cost of app development can vary widely based on several factors, such as the complexity of the app, the platform(s) it is being developed for (iOS, Android, or both), the geographic location of the development team, and the level of expertise of the developers. 

Simple apps can cost anywhere from $10K to $50K to develop, while more complex applications, especially those requiring backend server development or integration with third-party services, can cost $100K or more. The choice of development approach (native, cross-platform, hybrid) also significantly determines the cost.

2. What is the Best Mobile App Development Platform?

The best mobile app development platform depends on your specific project needs, target audience, and development capabilities. Platforms like React Native and Flutter are popular for their ability to create cross-platform apps with a single codebase. 

For native app development, Apple’s iOS platform (Swift or Objective-C) and Google’s Android platform (Kotlin or Java) are top choices. The decision should be based on factors like the intended audience, desired app features, performance requirements, and developer expertise.

3. What are the Best Mobile and App Development tools?

The best mobile and app development tools as of 2024 include:

  • React Native: Ideal for developers familiar with JavaScript, offering a mix of performance and development efficiency.
  • Flutter: Known for its rich set of pre-designed widgets and high-performance apps.
  • Ionic: Great for web developers due to its HTML, CSS, and JavaScript use.
  • Node.js: Useful for backend development and its extensive package ecosystem.
  • Xamarin: A robust option for those proficient in C# and .NET, providing native-like app performance.

The choice of tool should align with your project requirements, your team’s skill set, and the specific features you want to implement in your app.

React and React Native Explained: Everything You Should Know


If you are looking to learn React and React Native, this article is for you. In this article, we will explore how these technologies are changing the way apps are built, making it easier for even those who aren’t tech experts. You will learn about React’s role in creating interactive websites and how React Native expands these capabilities to mobile app development.

From managing app data to making sure everything runs smoothly, we cover the essential concepts in a clear, easy-to-follow way. By the end of this article, you will have a solid understanding of what React and React Native offer and why they’re so popular in the app development world.


What is React?

React is a powerful and popular JavaScript library primarily used for building dynamic and interactive user interfaces. Initially developed and continuously maintained by Facebook, React has transformed how developers create web applications.

React’s main purpose is to streamline the process of building complex, responsive UIs. Unlike traditional methods that often require more coding for each UI component, React simplifies this process by using reusable components. Each component in React has its logic and controls, making it easy to manage and maintain even large-scale applications.

React’s design offers both efficiency and flexibility. It integrates smoothly with other libraries and frameworks, making it an excellent choice for developers looking to customize their applications without being confined to a rigid structure.


What is React Native?

React Native is a framework used for building mobile applications in React. It allows developers to create apps for both iOS and Android from a single codebase. It brings together the best of native app development with the capabilities of React, a highly popular JavaScript library for creating user interfaces.

React Native also offers the development of cross-platform mobile apps with high performance and a native look and feel, significantly streamlining the app development process. This is what makes React native unique, as it offers both efficiency and cost-effectiveness, making it a popular choice for mobile app development.

React Native is the answer for those looking to streamline their mobile app development process, enabling the creation of cross-platform applications with remarkable efficiency.

This unique ability of React Native allows developers to write one codebase that they can deploy on both iOS and Android platforms. This means that developers can share a significant portion of their code across both platforms instead of writing separate code for each operating system. This saves time and resources and ensures a consistent user experience on both platforms iOS and Android devices.

React Native accomplishes this by bridging the gap between the platform-specific languages and React’s JavaScript code. It translates the code into native elements, ensuring that the apps maintain the look, feel, and performance of native mobile applications. This method marks a significant shift for businesses aiming to develop their mobile presence without the heavy investment typically associated with native app development.


What are the Key Features of React?

Understanding the features of React is essential for anyone considering it for their web development project needs.

Let’s explore some key features that React offers:


  1. Virtual DOM for Efficient Updates
    React uses a virtual DOM (Document Object Model), a game-changing feature that enhances app performance and user experience. Unlike the traditional full-page reload approach, the virtual DOM updates only the components that have changed. This offers faster and more efficient updates, that is very important for complex applications.
  2. Component-Based Architecture
    At the heart of React’s design is its component-based architecture. This allows web developers to build encapsulated components that handle their own state and then assemble them to build complex user interfaces. The reusability of components makes the development process more efficient and enhances consistency across the application.
  3. Unidirectional Data Flow
    In React, data follows in one direction, and that means that data in a React application flows in a single direction, ensuring the logic is easy to understand and debug. This unidirectional flow ensures a more predictable and controlled way of handling data, which is especially beneficial for large applications.
  4. Declarative Syntax
    React is known for its declarative syntax, making the code more readable and easier to debug. In a declarative model, developers describe what the UI should look like for different application states, and React updates the components when the data changes. This can lead to more intuitive and efficient web development.
  5. Efficient UI Updates
    React excels at creating dynamic and interactive user interfaces. The ability of React to update efficiently the UI in response to data changes ensures that users have a seamless and engaging experience. This responsiveness is key to the success of modern web applications, where user engagement is very important.


Each feature contributes to React’s reputation as a robust, flexible solution for building modern web applications. Whether you’re planning to hire a React Native app development company or explore React native app development services, understanding these core features of React provides a solid foundation for making informed decisions.


How does React handle state management?

React handles state management by using a feature called “state” within components to track data changes over time. This state determines the rendering of components, allowing the application to respond to user interactions and data updates dynamically. React also offers built-in methods like setState that can update the state, initiating a re-render of the component to display the latest data, ensuring the UI is always up-to-date.


Updating State

React provides built-in methods to update a component’s state, such as setState. This method makes sure that changes to the state are handled efficiently and that the relevant components are re-rendered to reflect these changes. It’s important to note that state updates are asynchronous in React, which means they do not happen instantly but are scheduled for performance optimization.

Managing Complex State

For more complex state logic, React offers advanced features like Hooks (e.g., useState, useReducer) and Context API. These advanced features offer more control and flexibility in managing state, especially when dealing with deeply nested components or when state must be shared across multiple components.


What is JSX in React?

JSX, short for JavaScript XML, is a unique syntax used in React that enables web developers to write HTML-like code within their JavaScript. This approach offers the seamless integration of UI templates and JavaScript logic, enhancing the developer’s ability to create interactive and dynamic user interfaces.

JSX allows developers to write HTML-like code directly within their JavaScript files. This offers a more intuitive and visual way to create and manage UI components. JSX simplifies the process of developing complex UI components, making the code easy to read and maintain.

Using JSX, web developers can describe the structure of their UI in a way that’s similar to how they would write HTML. However, unlike regular HTML, JSX provides the power of JavaScript, enabling dynamic content and complex logic within UI components. This powerful combination simplifies the process of developing interactive user interfaces.


How does React handle component communication?

The flow of data and interaction between components in React are key to its architecture. The framework employs a simple and an effective system for component communication, primarily through props and callbacks.

Props, short for properties, are the main method for passing data from parent components to their children. They are read-only and allow parent components to pass data, like strings, numbers, or entire functions, down to their child components. This unidirectional data flow from parents to children ensures a clear and controlled way of handling data, making the components more predictable and easy to debug.

While props allow data to flow downwards, upward communication from child components to their parents is often facilitated through callbacks. These functions are passed to child components as props. When executed in the child component, these callback functions can pass data back up to the parent, allowing children to communicate changes to the parent component.

This system of props and callbacks helps encapsulate the logic within each component and also makes them more reusable and easy to maintain. By adhering to this pattern, React applications become more modular, with each component handling its own logic and rendering based on the props it receives.


What are React Hooks?

React Hooks represent a significant advancement in how React allows functional components to operate. They were introduced to overcome certain limitations of class components, Hooks enable functional components to utilize state and lifecycle core features, which were exclusive to class components. This shift has simplified the way developers write and manage components in React.

React Hooks are a few commonly used functions. The useState Hook is pivotal, allowing functional components to hold and set state, a feature once limited to class components. It offers more power of state management to functional components, enhancing their capabilities and usage.

Similarly, the useEffect Hook is instrumental in handling side effects in functional components. It offers the same purpose as lifecycle methods in class components, such as componentDidMount and componentDidUpdate, but in a more unified and organized manner.

Hooks in Hooks React go beyond just these two examples and offer a wide range of built-in Hooks like useContext for accessing context, useReducer for more complex state logic, and many others. Additionally, React allows for creating custom Hooks, allowing developers to build their own Hooks tailored to specific needs.

Hooks marks a significant evolution in React’s development. They make code more reusable and organized and align with the modern trend of functional programming in JavaScript. Hooks have enhanced the efficiency of building React applications and have become a fundamental part of the React ecosystem.


Can React be used for building single-page applications (SPAs)?

React is the best option for building single-page applications (SPAs). Single-page applications (SPAs) are web apps that can load a single HTML page and dynamically update content based on user interactions with the app rather than loading entire new pages. React’s core features align perfectly with the needs of SPAs.

The virtual DOM is an important element in React’s efficiency for SPAs. It enables React to minimize direct manipulations of the actual DOM, which can be a performance bottleneck. Instead, React updates components in its virtual DOM and then efficiently provides only the changes to the actual DOM. This process results in smoother and faster updates, essential for the fluid user experience expected in SPAs.

The React’s component-based architecture also plays an important role. In SPAs, different page sections (like navigation, content, and footer) can represent individual components. React allows these components to manage their own state and be rendered independently based on the user’s interaction or data changes.


Benefits of Choosing React Native for Mobile Application Development

React Native offers a robust solution in the mobile app development landscape, providing several key benefits:


1. Cross-Platform Development

A primary benefit of React Native is its ability to enable cross-platform development. Web developers can utilize the same codebase to build applications for both iOS and Android platforms. This streamlines the development process and ensures consistency across different native platforms, which offers a great user experience.

2. Code Reusability

React Native promotes the reusability of code. A large portion of the code written for one platform can be reused for another, significantly reducing development time and effort. This feature can help businesses looking to deploy their apps on multiple mobile platforms without needing separate development teams.

3. Native-Like Performance

React Native also offers a native-like performance. Applications built with React Native are compiled into native code, ensuring the user experience is as smooth and responsive as traditional native apps.

4. Rich Ecosystem and Community Support

React Native takes advantage of a rich ecosystem of libraries and tools and strong community support. This great resource pool allows web developers to find the best solutions and implement features more efficiently, ultimately speeding up the development process.

5. Live and Hot Reloading

React Native introduces features like live and hot reloading, which enhance the developer experience. These features allow developers to see the changes immediately without recompiling the entire app, thus speeding up the iteration process.


What Sets React Apart from Other JavaScript Frameworks and Libraries?

React differentiates itself from other JavaScript frameworks and libraries through several key features.


1. Virtual DOM for Efficient Updates

React employs a virtual DOM (Document Object Model), which sets it apart from many traditional frameworks. This method can minimize direct manipulations of the actual DOM, which is known for being performance-intensive. React updates its virtual DOM and then efficiently applies only the changes to the actual DOM. This can lead to faster and smoother updates, especially in complex applications.

2. Component-Based Architecture

React’s emphasis on a component-based architecture is another distinguishing feature. This method enables developers to build encapsulated components that can control their own state and then combine them to create complex user interfaces. It enhances the reusability and maintainability of code and aligns well with modern development practices.

3. Declarative UI Building

The declarative nature of React shifts from the imperative approach seen in many other frameworks. In React, developers describe how the UI should look for different states, and React updates the components when the data changes. This offers more readable and easy-to-understand code and also boosts the development process.

4. Comparison with Angular and Vue.js

While Angular is a full-fledged MVC framework offering a wide range of features out of the box, React focuses more narrowly on the ‘V’ (View) in MVC. React’s library-based approach offers greater flexibility but requires integration with other libraries for complete solutions.

Vue.js, on the other hand, strikes a balance between Angular’s comprehensive framework and React’s flexibility. It also offers a similar component-based architecture and reactive data binding with a simpler learning curve.


What is React’s Approach to Routing in Single-Page Applications (SPAs)?

Unlike traditional multi-page websites where the server manages navigation, SPAs require client-side routing for a seamless user experience. React handles this by relying on third-party libraries, with React Router being the most popular choice.

React Router allows developers to implement dynamic routing in a web app. This means that the routing rules are handled in real-time with no need to refresh the entire page. With the help of React Router, web developers can define routes, which specify which component should be rendered based on the URL path, and create navigation links in the application.

This setup helps build a smooth and responsive SPA, similar to a native application, where navigating between different views does not require a page reload.

Using third-party libraries like React Router for routing in SPAs exemplifies React’s modular approach, where specific functionalities can be added as needed. This flexibility enables web developers to choose the most suitable tools for their project requirements, making React a versatile option for developing SPAs.


The Importance of the Virtual DOM in React

The virtual DOM stands as a core concept in React that plays a crucial role in its efficiency and performance, particularly in rendering and updating the user interface. In React, the virtual DOM is a representation held in memory of the real DOM elements. It acts as a lightweight copy where React can work on all important updates before making changes to the actual DOM.

When a React component’s state changes, React first updates the virtual DOM rather than updating the real DOM. This process involves a reconciliation algorithm, where React compares the updated virtual DOM with a pre-update version, identifying exactly what has changed. Only these specific changes, rather than the entire DOM, are subsequently transferred to the actual DOM.

This method drastically reduces the amount of direct interaction with the actual DOM, which is a resource-intensive operation. React significantly enhances performance by minimizing direct DOM manipulations, especially in complex applications where frequent UI updates are requested.

The virtual DOM allows React applications to handle high volumes of data and dynamic content changes without compromising on speed and user experience, making it an essential aspect of React’s architecture for efficient web application development.


Component Lifecycle in React

Understanding the component lifecycle in React is crucial for effective application development.

A React component’s lifecycle can be divided into three main phases: mounting, updating, and unmounting, each with its own lifecycle methods.


1. Mounting Phase

This is the initial phase where the component is being created and inserted into the DOM. The key methods in this phase include constructor() for initializing state, static getDerivedStateFromProps() for updating state in response to prop changes, render() for rendering the component, and componentDidMount(), which is then called after the component is rendered into the DOM. The componentDidMount() method is often used for API calls and setting up subscriptions.

2. Updating Phase

After the component is mounted, it may undergo updates due to changes in props or state. React re-renders the component when this happens. The methods in this phase include static getDerivedStateFromProps(), shouldComponentUpdate() determines if re-rendering is necessary, render() for the actual re-rendering, getSnapshotBeforeUpdate() is used for capturing information before the DOM changes, and componentDidUpdate() which is invoked after the update occurs. componentDidUpdate() is typically used for handling the component’s updated state or props.

3. Unmounting Phase

This is the final phase when the component is being removed from the DOM. The primary method here is componentWillUnmount(), which is called before the component is unmounted and destroyed. This method is crucial for performing cleanup tasks like stopping timers, aborting network requests, or removing any active subscriptions created in componentDidMount().


How to Optimize Performance in a React Application?

Here are some effective techniques used to optimize performance in a React application:


1. Code Splitting

This involves dividing your app’s large code into smaller chunks, which are then loaded on demand. By using tools like Webpack or React’s dynamic import() syntax, you can split your code at logical breakpoints, reducing the initial load time of your app. This is particularly useful for large applications where loading the entire bundle upfront can be inefficient.

2. Memoization

Memoization is the process of caching the output of function calls to avoid unnecessary recalculations. In React, you can use React.memo for functional components or shouldComponentUpdate in class components. These methods help prevent unnecessary re-renders by rendering components only when their props or state changes significantly.

3. Effective Use of shouldComponentUpdate and React.memo

Both shouldComponentUpdate and React.memo are powerful tools for controlling the re-rendering process. In React, the shouldComponentUpdate is a method within class components that allows you to determine whether a re-render is necessary. In React, React.memo serves as a higher-order component tailored for functional components that can perform a similar function, comparing incoming props to previous props and re-rendering only if there are differences.


React.memo serves as a higher-order component tailored for functional components, capable of

4. Optimizing Dependencies and State Management

Keeping track of your dependencies and ensuring efficient state management can also greatly improve performance. Avoid unnecessary state updates and use state management libraries like Redux or Context API, ensuring that components only re-render when needed.

5. Avoid Inline Functions and Objects in Render

Inline functions and objects in the render method can cause components to re-render unnecessarily. Instead, define these outside the render method or use callbacks to avoid the creation of new functions or objects on every render.

6. Using Pure Components

React’s PureComponent offers a simple way to optimize class components. It applies shouldComponentUpdate using a superficial comparison of props and state, helping to avoid unnecessary re-renders when the data hasn’t changed.

By implementing these techniques, developers can significantly enhance the performance of React applications and ensure faster rendering, smoother user experiences, and more efficient resource utilization.


The Role of Redux in a React Application

Redux plays an important role in managing the global state of a React application, especially when dealing with complex and large-scale apps. As a state management library, Redux provides a consistent and predictable way of handling the application’s state through a central store.


1. Centralized State Management

Redux creates a central store that holds the entire state of the application. This centralization makes tracking and managing state changes across different components easier and also leads to more predictable and manageable code.

2. Integration with React

Redux integrates smoothly with React through the React-Redux library. This integration enables components to access the Redux store and dispatch actions that modify the state. By connecting components to the store, React-Redux ensures that the components receive the necessary data and re-render when the state changes.

3. Predictable State Updates

Redux follows three fundamental principles: a single source of truth (the store), state is read-only (state can only be changed by emitting actions), and changes are made with pure functions (reducers). This structure ensures that state updates are predictable and traceable, making debugging and testing easier.

4. Improved Scalability and Maintainability

In large applications, managing the state of numerous components can become complex. Redux can simplify this by managing the state outside the components. This separation of concerns leads to better scalability and maintainability as the application grows.


How does React Handle Forms and Form Validation?

Handling forms is a critical aspect of web development, and React provides various approaches to manage form inputs and validate data effectively.


Controlled Components

In React, forms are typically handled using controlled components. This approach involves managing the form data by the state within the component. Each form element, like input, textarea, or select, is controlled by React in this way.

The value of these form elements is kept in the component’s state. It is updated based on user input, ensuring a single source of truth and making it easier to manipulate or validate form data.

Form Validation

Validation is crucial for ensuring that the data collected through forms is correct and useful. React allows form validation to be implemented directly in the component, manually or using validation attributes of HTML5. For more complex validation scenarios, developers can integrate JavaScript logic within the form’s event handlers, like onChange, onSubmit, or custom validation methods.

Using Libraries like Formik

Libraries like Formik are designed to simplify this process. Formik provides tools and components that simplify form handling, including managing form state, handling submissions, and performing validation. It integrates seamlessly with React’s controlled components approach and can significantly reduce the amount of boilerplate code required for complex forms.


What are React Higher-Order Components (HOCs)?

Higher-order components (HOCs) in React are a powerful pattern for reusing component logic. In React, a HOC is a function that takes a component and returns a new component, effectively ‘wrapping’ the original component. This pattern is similar to higher-order functions in JavaScript, which operate on other functions, either by taking them as arguments or returning them.

The core idea behind HOCs is to enhance or modify the behavior of a component. They are used for tasks like data fetching, input handling, and implementing access controls. A HOC can add properties or states to the component or intercept and modify its behavior by wrapping a component.

One of the main advantages of HOCs is their ability to promote code reusability. Complex applications often have components that share common functionality. HOCs allow developers to extract this shared logic into a single place and apply it across different components, avoiding code duplication and making the components cleaner and more focused on their primary purpose.


How does React Native Achieve Cross-Platform Development?

React Native has revolutionized mobile app development by enabling cross-platform development. It allows web developers to build applications for both iOS and Android using a single codebase. This is achieved through a unique blend of native components and the abstraction of common APIs.

React Native uses native UI components. When you write a React Native application, the native framework translates your JavaScript code into the native elements of iOS and Android. This means that instead of using the web view components as in other cross-platform frameworks, React Native allows for creating native applications. This results in better performance and an indistinguishable user experience from an app built using native SDKs.

Furthermore, React Native abstracts the common APIs of iOS and Android. It provides a unified way to access these platform-specific features, such as the camera or user location, through a JavaScript interface. This abstraction allows native developers to write platform-agnostic code for many features, significantly reducing development time and effort.

React Native also offers the ability to write platform-specific code when needed. This flexibility is crucial for cases where a more tailored approach is required for each platform, ensuring that the unique capabilities and conventions of iOS and Android can be fully utilized.


The Difference Between State and Props in React


State in React

State is internal and managed within the component. It stores information about the component’s current situation, like user input or information retrieved from an API. State is mutable, meaning it can be changed over time, usually in response to user actions or network responses. When the state of a component changes, the component re-renders, reflecting these updates in the UI. State is local to the component and not accessible by other native components unless passed as props.

Props in React

Props (short for properties) are read-only and external, passed to the component by its parent. They allow components to receive data from their parents, making them dynamic and reusable. Props are immutable within the receiving component, meaning a component cannot change its props. If a component requires a change in one of its props, it must do so through a callback function provided by the parent that initially passed the prop.

When to Use

The choice between state and props depends on the nature of the data in the component:

  • Use state for data that changes over time and is specific to that component.
  • Use props to pass data and event handlers down to child components or to pass data between siblings via a common parent.


How Can You Handle Authentication in a React Application?

Implementing user authentication in a React application is crucial for securing access and personalizing the user experience.

There are several methods to achieve this, with JSON Web Tokens (JWT) and OAuth being among the most common.


1. Using JSON Web Tokens (JWT)

JWT has become a widely used approach for managing authentication in modern web applications. It works by issuing a token to the user after a successful login. This token is then stored on the client-side, often in the browser’s local storage. The token is sent to the server for subsequent requests to validate the user’s identity and permissions.

The token contains encoded JSON data, including user details and expiration information, which the server decodes to authenticate the request. JWT is favored for its stateless nature, meaning the server isn’t required to maintain a record of tokens, thus making it scalable and efficient.

2. OAuth for Third-Party Authentication

OAuth is a widely used authorization protocol that enables users to authenticate via a third-party service, like Google or Facebook. In a React application, you can integrate OAuth, where users are redirected to the third-party service for login. Upon successful login, the service sends an authorization token back to the React application, which can be used to access the user’s information from the service provider.

OAuth is a robust application solution requiring users to authenticate with existing credentials from major service providers.



React and React Native are the top technologies in the app development world, each offering unique advantages and capabilities. Through this exploration, we’ve seen how React’s efficient handling of the UI with its virtual DOM and component-based architecture makes it ideal for building responsive web applications.

Similarly, React Native offers the same principles for mobile app development, allowing for cross-platform solutions with a native feel, positioning it as a go-to choice for mobile developers.

These technologies streamline the mobile development process and open up new possibilities for creating dynamic, high-performing applications. Whether it’s managing state and lifecycles in React or implementing authentication and optimizing performance in React Native, the flexibility and power of these tools are clear.

Choosing the right partner is crucial for organizations and CIOs looking to harness these technologies. As a React Native App Development Company, Pumex offers comprehensive React native app development services, combining expertise and innovation to transform your app concepts into reality.

With a focus on quality and efficiency, our team is equipped to handle the unique challenges of your project, delivering solutions that meet your business needs.

We invite you to reach out to Pumex for your app development needs. Let us help you navigate the world of React and React Native, ensuring your project’s success with our expertise and dedication.

Native and Hybrid Apps

Pumex often comes across clients who wish to leverage a mobile experience for their applications. Where the end user can download an app from their phones respective application store; like Google Play or the Apple App Store. These clients have two options at their disposal – a native application, or a hybrid application – both of which have their own set of pros and cons. Native applications are applications that are built specifically for use on a singular platform – such as; Android, iOS, Windows Mobile, etc. Hybrid applications, on the other hand, include a web application (HTML5/JavaScript) wrapped within a native “container” that allows access to platform specific functionalities.


Native Apps

Each mobile platform (Android, iOS, Windows Mobile) provides developers with their own development tools, customized SDK’s and design guidelines. iOS – Objective-C or Swift/iOS SDK Android – Java/Android SDK The main advantage of building a native application is the faster and more reliable performance that comes as a result of developing the application within a well-defined ecosystem. It also allows the developer to leverage all the functionality that physical devices within a platform offer – like the GPS, camera, accelerometer, etc. Native applications also do not mandate an internet connect to be present at all times (although specific functionality within the application could require an internet connection to function properly). On the other hand, building a native app is relatively time consuming and costs more since there needs to be separate development efforts to build the app for each platform you want the app to be available on. A native application is best recommended when developing applications that are performance and graphics heavy (games), or in the fairly unique situation where there is a need for heavy use of the phones native capabilities and the absolute highest level of performance is required, irrespective of the cost of development.


Hybrid Apps

Hybrid apps can be visualized as “web apps” that are built using common front-end languages like HTML5, CSS and JavaScript, and targets a WebView (rather than a mobile browser) that is hosted within a native container. The most common hybrid application development framework is Apache Cordova, that enables applications to execute across different platforms by relying on standards-compliant API bindings that provides access to the different native device capabilities such as, camera, GPS, accessibility, etc. Developers can also access plugins (both core and third-party) that allows Cordova and the devices native components to communicate with each other, while even providing additional bindings that are not available across every platforms. The main advantage with taking a hybrid approach to mobile application development is the reduced development effort needed since you can reuse one code base of the application across the different platforms. This reduced development effort, combined with the relative ease of hiring individuals with web development skills, results in cheaper origination costs as compared to a native application that must be built across multiple platforms. Pumex Computing has extensive experience helping clients build both native and hybrid applications across a number of domains for both internal and external use. While deciding on developing a mobile application is the easy part, determining whether to build a native or hybrid application is a much harder task. Our elite team of analysts and developers never forces a client to choose either a native or hybrid application, but we rather encourage our clients to answer the below questions:


  1. What functionality do you intend to include as part of the application? 
  2. What is the timeframe for developing the application? 
  3. What is the budget allocated for developing the application? 


Answering these questions helps our clients work hand-in-hand with Pumex to determine whether to move towards a native or hybrid platform and get their mobile concept developed, packaged, and ready for marketing.

What’s The Hype About Progressive Web Apps

You’ve probably heard the term progressive web app thrown around a handful of times in the mobile app world. Some are saying that they’ll replace traditional native apps in the future and become the most common way to enjoy your favorite applications. If you’re unfamiliar with progressive web apps, we have all the information you need to understand exactly why they’re becoming so popular.

Seamless Integration

A progressive web app (PWA) simply put is a browser-based application that looks, feels, and behaves identically to a native mobile app. When developing a PWA the main goal is to create a seamless application that the user won’t be able to tell the difference between their browser and a native app. This leads to the question, why would a company want to gravitate towards progressive web apps instead of developing a native app?


Progressive Web Apps perform the same functions on newer phones as an older phone. PWAs adapt to any type of web browser making them extremely accessible for any user. Most native apps require specific phone updates to access. Though some features might not be available, the PWA will still be fully accessible for anyone with a web browser.

Streamlined Launch

Progressive Web Apps bypass the app stores. Because PWA’s are websites; this allows you to streamline a launch to the public without having to go deal with the numerous restrictions or go through the long approval process to be hosted on Android’s or Apple’s app store.

Faster Development

Progress Web Apps are faster to build and update. PWAs are a single product which adapts to the browser on the device. This saves time when developing, and updating. Once the application is developed it’s easier to manage and update because it is a single code base rather than having to manage multiple versions of a native application.


Progressive Web Apps are extremely shareable. Instead of users having to go through the installation process of the app store, PWAs can be shared between users with a simple URL. Since they’re so easy to access and be shared, PWAs are easier to get first-time users by avoiding the app store process. Additionally, when a user visits your website on your mobile browser, they can be prompted to directly download your PWA directly to their phone’s home screen.


It’s easy to see why Progressive Web Apps are growing in popularity. The number of benefits in favor of building a PWA can be overwhelming; in a good way. Rather you want an app that is more accessible or need an app that can go to market ASAP, PWAs can make it happen.

What to Look For In a Mobile Development Company

In 2018 mobile isn’t a choice anymore – it’s a necessity. Mobile traffic surpassed desktop traffic in 2018 with 70% of all traffic came from mobile and 8% coming from tablets. Mobile traffic is only going to continue to grow and has established itself as the main type of web traffic.

Most businesses don’t have the resources in-house to develop a quality mobile app and need to procure an outsourced development team. Taking time in the beginning when deciding on a development company will save you a ton of time and money down the road. Because mobile is continuing to grow and become the most dominant channel of web traffic there are more development companies than ever. We put together some main attributes you should look for when deciding on a development company to build your mobile app



Asking to see a mobile developments company’s portfolio is extremely important. This is the company’s proof, and assurance that they can put their skills where their mouths are. Seeing their past work also gives you an opportunity to reach out to the companies and see exactly how the process went, and if they would recommend using them again for a project. Looking at a team’s portfolio also allows for you to look at other work they’ve done that aligns similarly to what you’re trying to create. You can ask questions such as; what was the length, did you have any unforeseen challenges, and how did you overcome them?


When looking to develop a mobile app you don’t want to skimp out on price. You also don’t want to overpay. Mobile development projects can range anywhere from 10’s of thousands to 100’s of thousands of dollars. Look for a development team that can work with your budget. The bigger development companies charge more due to having larger overhead. Use the development teams portfolio to get a sense of the clients that they have worked with. If their past clients are like you then chances are they’ll align within your budget.


Communication is key – period. This is no exception when deciding to develop a mobile app. There are different development methodologies that vary in the amount of communication between the development team and the customer. Before discussing anything, think about how much involvement you want to have throughout the development process. If you want to have little to no involvement during the process, think about using a waterfall development methodology. If you’re looking for more transparency and want to be informed every step of the way – an agile development methodology is the approach to take. Regardless of how much or little you want to be involved in the process, be sure to make it clear with the development team. This will allow them to develop the right development process that will best align with your needs.


We discussed in our blog post, “5 things to Consider When Developing a Mobile App” how important it is to consistently update your Mobile App. Once your app is developed you’re going to need to perform regular upkeep to make sure your app is keeping up with new trends in mobile apps and therefore an enhanced user experience. Just like your business, your mobile app should always be evolving and growing. Discuss a maintenance plan with the development team. Be sure to incorporate this into your agreement before choosing a development team to work with. Maintenance and upkeep are almost as important as the initial build of your mobile app.


You found a company that aligns with your budget. They created the perfect development process and incorporated a great maintenance plan for after the build. Your app is done – how’re you going to release it? The process to launch your app to the public can vary in length depending on the platforms you choose to make the app available on, such as Apple, Google, or even a Progressive Web App. Regardless, this is an extremely important process and working with a development company that can guide you through the process is extremely important. Talk with the development team about their experience with pushing mobile apps to market, and how they can help you with yours.


A simple google search with show you just how many mobile app development companies there are to choose from. Make sure you cover all the steps before deciding on a development company to work with. At Pumex Computing we work with you to design a mobile app that will work for your business. If you are trying to take your business mobile contact us! http://www.pumex.com/contactus

5 Things to Consider When Developing a Mobile App

Every year it becomes more and more apparent that a mobile strategy is becoming a requirement and not an option for businesses. 57% of all U.S. web traffic now comes from smartphones & tablets. The Mobile App market continues to grow like wildfire and shows no signs of slowing down. It has become clear that businesses need to focus on a mobile strategy. The main question is – What strategy do you focus on?   A lot of companies are deciding to develop their own Mobile Apps. Having an app developed for your business provides multiple benefits. Here are 5 ways your business can benefit from a mobile app.

Fix a problem

Chances are you started your business to meet the needs of a customer or solve some sort of problem. The same thought process should be carried into your mobile strategy. When developing a mobile app, the focus should be on having a clear direction. Why are you creating the app? If your mobile app is irrelevant and doesn’t provide a solution and fill a void for its users, then your app will be looked at as irrelevant. 


I heard a quote from Gary Vaynerchuck when he was speaking about the app, Uber – “Uber doesn’t sell transportation. Uber sells time and convenience.” Uber’s value is time and convenience. What is the value that you’ll provide your customers with? A lot of businesses are using mobile apps, which probably includes your competitors, to streamline specific services, and processes for customers, and employees internally. Dunkin Doughnuts, Starbucks, McDonalds… you name it – are all taking advantage of their consumer’s value of time. Even the majority of fast-food restaurants have created apps that allow customers to pre-order and pay before arriving at their locations. Your app needs to provide a value to the user, something that’ll increase the day-to-day of the user.


The user experience is one of the most important things to consider when developing your Mobile App. Apps are dominantly task-oriented and are used to make life simpler. Think about the mobile apps that you use for your day-to-day tasks. How simple is the interface? How many tasks are you able to do in the app? If you use this thought process to reverse engineer yourself as a consumer, you’ll have a better understanding of what you really want in your Mobile App. Users should be able to figure out how to use your mobile app with little to no guidance. If your app is too complicated to figure out, users will not find value in it. All-in-all you want users to recognize the value in your app their first time using it. The saying is true when developing a mobile app – “Less is more.”

Develop your mobile app for IOS and Android

It is vital that you develop your mobile app to work with the 2 major platforms, IOS and Android. Developing with a Cross-Platform Framework allows your app to be used on every major platform, therefore saving you time and cost as opposed to developing for each platform individually.

Create regular updates

In the forever changing digital world we live in, technology is always progressing and evolving. Being able to adapt and react to your user’s needs is extremely important for your Mobile Apps success. To make sure your App stays relevant it needs to be consistently maintained and updated. Updates are needed to ensure that bugs are fixed, content is updated, and your users are continuing to find value in your Mobile App.


A mobile strategy in 2018 is a must. If you do decide to develop a Mobile App remember; have a goal, provide value, keep it simple, and update, update, update. Do you have an idea for your company’s mobile app strategy? At Pumex Computing we specialize in the development of Cross-platform, Hybrid, and Native Mobile Apps. We develop Mobile Apps that will work for your business.

Hybrid Apps Overtaking Native

There are typically two types of dissenters when it comes to hybrid apps: those who haven’t tried hybrid apps or those who did many years ago.

It doesn’t matter what your current stance on these apps is; the options have evolved tremendously for the better. The hybrid versus native app battle has not only resulted in a tie, but hybrid apps have taken over. The following is an overview of how hybrid apps have progressed and the concerns people have.


The number one concern people have with hybrid apps is their performance, though this concern really is unfounded now, in 2018. If you look at PhoneGap between the years of 2008 and 2012, then yes, you’re right to be worried.

Luckily, 2013 was a huge turning point for hybrid apps. The release of the iPhone 5 was the start of hybrids being more approachable. Almost 100 percent of the time, hybrid apps work extremely well. Unless your business is interested in creating graphic-heavy, high-performance game apps, hybrid is the way to go. They only need you to update, read, delete, and create data. They also have a little bit of UX sprinkled in there as well. If developing a game is your overall goal, choose native.

It’s been over ten years now since the original version of the iPhone debuted, and mobile device hardware has improved in leaps and bounds. Mobile devices now have processors that are near desktop-quality, 2 to 4 GBs of RAM, and operating systems that have a lot. Each new generation of phone is an improvement from the last.

Besides the hardware improvements, Javascript engines have seen advancements as well. Browser creators are advancing in all elements. They’ve improved single thread performance, increased GPU speeds, used offloading to make faster memory buses and multi-core, and improved multi-threading.

Every few years, Javascript makes major upgrades available which lead to gains of around 4x or more. It’s safe to say that the latest iOS performance will have significant enhancements.



A key feature of hybrid apps that give them an advantage over native apps is their ability to build using a single codebase for a vast majority of app platforms. Javascript logic execution has usually worked well. This is in part due to its “write once, run everywhere” mantra. Javascript has features that are consistently available on every mobile platform. Whenever native device functionality is needed, Java has plugins get rid of any platform-specific features.

Achieving consistent design has proven to be extremely difficult due to the huge variety of mobile platform WebViews, the mini web browsers embedded into native apps shells, available. This can most obviously be seen with Android, as they’ve been the most difficult due to the thousands of device and carrier combinations available.

Luckily, the situation has improved. It started with Android 4.4; a change was introduced that would have the Android 4.4 use a Chromium-based WebView. This first step was a good one, but it was only an embedded system browser. Since it was just that, it was only able to get updates through new OS upgrades. These upgrades only happened rarely, depending on the mobile carrier. When Android 5.0 came out, the WebView was taken out of the system. It can be updated now through the Google Play store, ensuring that the users always have the greatest and latest.

Apple’s iOS has proven to be a lot more favorable for those who develop hybrid apps. WebViews has always used Safari, which is Apple’s built-in web browser. With every OS upgrade or patch, CSS and JavaScript come out with new features. Hybrid apps also make it easier to get support for OS versions that are older because Apple users tend to upgrade as soon as the newest OS is available.

Nowadays WebViews has become standardized, allowing you to get consistent layouts across all different displays and screen sizes. Developers of apps can utilize CSS3 flexbox, and other suitable platforms, to make layout designs that are popular for all kinds of mobile devices.

For normal people, who don’t have any background in design, you can easily work with web frameworks. There are resources, like Bootstrap, that are extremely useful for working on mobile and desktop projects. Resources like this put focus on creating responsive, mobile-first projects that are perfect for helping with hybrid apps.



Over the past couple of years, there have been many open-source frameworks that have entered and left the app space. The playing field has been leveled in recent years. The most popular choices tend to be Xamarin, NativeScript, React Native, and Ionic.

Xamarin is Microsoft’s framework. It’s a little different than other frameworks. Xamarin has its apps written in C#. For developers that work on .NET, Xamarin is great for mobile development.

NativeScript is created by Telerik and is a unique option. When using NativeScript, you write your apps in plain Javascript, Angular, and TypeScript. It’s then compiled into native code. If you use Telerik’s NativeScript then you have to learn their UI custom mechanism for your layout. This mechanism covers tags (such as “” and “”) which are then converted into a certain native representation. Besides that, you can utilize your existing JavaScript skills.

React Native is a framework that is used by Facebook. Apps on this framework are written in Javascript. It’s unique because it uses native components like “Text” and “View” instead of web components like “span” or “div.” So it produces a real native mobile app. Using this to create your apps is great, but it means that the code can be used only for apps that are mobile.

The fourth framework that is popular is the Ionic framework. Ionic provides you the ability to create apps that cover the most number of platforms, using only a single codebase. This means it can be used for applications for mobile, desktop, web, and progressive web. Ionic apps are created on top of Angular. This means that you need to teach yourself about Angular along with TypeScript.

These four most popular frameworks are great options for those wanting to develop apps. However, they do require you to spend time before you actually feel productive. If you’re not 100 percent certain that you want to go the hybrid way then that’s fine. You can dip your toes in the water and try plain web technology. When you become more comfortable, you can switch over to a framework that you like.



The last element of app development for hybrid apps is that the number of tools that are available. Those who develop apps can access all kinds of products that will assist with all that you need from cloud management to debugging to continuous integration.

Popular integrated development environments have evolved over the years to support app development that is JavaScript-focused. There are resources that allow developers to debug, write, and test their apps on emulators and devices within their systems.

There are also services like WebStorm by JetBrains, which is an editor that allows you to refactor JavaScript, provides code completion, and is able to detect errors. There are also services that are cross-platform, which you can use to swap between PCs and Mac. This is useful for those who own a MacBook but have a desktop PC.

Each of the frameworks for apps that are listed above has helpful tools to get you started. They each are equipped with their own command-line interface tools that give you useful templates for your app to help you when you start out. They’re truly helpful in the initial setup phases. Many provide local app debugging, JavaScript quality reviews, and end-to-end test execution.

You can utilize many web browser developer tools, which can especially be seen in Google Chrome. They have advanced so much that many web developers use them every day. They have provided a variety of features, including network performance profiling, issue resolution, and JavaScript debugging. The best feature for those interested in developing hybrid apps is probably the ability to test device-specific and responsive viewports. This will give developers an idea of how your app will be displayed on popular devices. It’s down to a perfect science, but it’s still incredibly useful. After all, you can’t realistically be able to test on every type of device there is in existence right now.

The Bottom Line

In the last couple of years, the amount of developers that are in support of hybrid apps is eye-opening. Web developers have shown that they want to create their apps with the utilization of just one codebase. One codebase means that it comes with familiar web technology and tools. Surveys have shown that almost one-third of developers plan to ditch native development completely within the next two years.

Despite the vast improvements to hybrid apps and the technology associated with it, you may still be skeptical about using the hybrid approach. The best way to truly see if it’s the way of the future is to do it yourself. There’s no easier time to jump into the development of hybrid apps. They offer better device performance, advanced tooling, simplified design options, and professional mobile frameworks. They’re the easiest way to transition into today’s new technological world.

Native vs Hybrid vs Cross-Platform

When choosing to develop between a hybrid, cross platform or native app mobile application there can often times be a lot of confusion. The confusion comes in the different approaches used to get the app developed. The choices for any mobile app development company depends on different factors, such as app features, budget, goals, and target customers. Below we will outline the major approaches—native, cross-platform, and hybrid—to these development apps.

Native Applications

This type of application development simply means developing an app specific to each platform. There are platform specific tools to aid in this process, and these tools enable the functionality of the app. These platform specific tools can be anything from XCode to Objective-C to Swift or C++. For android-based apps, Java or Kotlin are typically used.


Pros and Cons to Native Apps


  • Stores app resources in the mobile device’s memory, which maximizes OS features.
  • The best tool to use for quality user experience and functionality.
  • iPhone has many resources, reading materials and tools for developing native apps.
  • Native apps have exclusive API’s that can access push notifications, in app purchases, and camera functionality that are usually prohibited in mobile web apps.


  • Native apps can get expensive especially if you want the app to be available cross platform.
  • There are also slight variations with the UI on all the different platforms.
  • It is very time consuming to create native applications for both Android and iOS, which can become very costly.
  • Native applications usually have a requirement that only allows the app to define tablets and phones separately. This is non-transferrable between these two platforms.

Cross-Platform Applications

This type of app development uses JavaScript. JavaScript enables the application function and also enables CSS and HTML in order to generate design components. Frameworks like Adobe Air and Corona can call native code in order to take advantage of an operating system and any device’s specific functionality like navigation. Cross-platform mobile development is a good choice for users or companies looking for multi-platform functionality.


Pros and Cons to Cross-Platform Apps


  • Using cross-platform apps offers seamless functionality within the OS.
  • It is easy to use code repeatability, hence offering cost-effective solutions to app development.


  • These apps often have a non-native feel to them, offering a less appealing user experience.
  • There is also limited functionality to tap into.

Hybrid Application Development for Mobile Devices

The hybrid approach combines all the features of the app developments listed above. Native code is integrated with cross-platform using typical web technologies. These technologies include HTML, CSS and JavaScript. After the app is written, it is then bundled as a native application with an integrated web view. With the new frameworks such as React Native, the hybrid mobile app development approach can be delivered with much less effort while still achieving the same precision as the aforementioned development tools.


Pros and Cons of Hybrid Mobile Apps


  • With very little modification the same code can be used over different platforms.
  • This in the long term will save money and time.
  • The functionality of hybrid apps is very similar to native apps, making them very user friendly.
  • The content is portable.
  • Developers have an option to deliver the app locally or through a server, meaning the app can be accessed both offline and online.


  • Hybrid is a relatively new platform and may not work on all devices.
  • There is not much support for these apps since they are so new, meaning problems can occur, and there is no troubleshooting available.
  • If the app store you are using recognizes the app as a hybrid, it may be denied through the app store.
  • Some vendors are now offering build platforms for these frameworks, meaning that you may have to pay for it.

The Verdict

There is no absolute choice for any of these options. It depends mostly on what is best for you or the company or venture being pursued. The best choice usually depends upon which requirements suit you best. If the application you are looking for is very complex in functionality, then native apps are the way to go. If an application that crosses multiple platforms is important, then choosing a cross-platform app is the better choice. If the budget is small and you are looking to optimize mobile experiences, then hybrid may be the way to go.

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