21 Elements We Evaluate When Performing a GA4 Audit

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is an incredibly powerful analytics platform: it builds on Google’s already-sound foundation (Universal Analytics) while it also reimagines what’s possible in analytics, thanks to an entirely new event architecture.

GA4 has far more in terms of capabilities and configurability, but of course this comes with a cost: greater complexity. Many organizations are already using GA4, but aren’t operating efficiently enough or achieving the results they could be getting.

A GA4 audit is an ideal way to shore up an organization’s GA4 implementation. These are 21 of the most important elements that we evaluate when performing this kind of audit for our clients.

GA4 Tag Implementation

The first area we evaluate during an audit is how an organization has implemented the GA4 tag. The way you work with GA4 will vary depending on whether you’re using Google Tag Manager, a CMS integration, a plugin, or via source code. In most cases, the best approach is to stick to one implementation architecture wherever possible, which will keep your GA4 efforts neat and efficient.

If we identify issues with implementation architecture, we’ll start by cleaning those up so that your conversion tracking and event configuration can run cleanly.

Event Configuration in GA4

Events are the building blocks that organizations use within GA4. Every user interaction is an individual event, and these aren’t grouped together by session like they were in Universal Analytics (UA). The old session-based data model in UA was simpler to use and understand, but it was more limited. In contrast, GA4’s event-based data model is far more powerful — but all that power comes with a configuration cost.

Configured properly, GA4 events can tell you nearly everything an individual user did — across multiple devices on the user’s end and multiple assets (websites, applications) on your organization’s end. 

GA4 will automatically collect certain events, including page views, scrolling data, and session starts. Other enhanced measurement events can be set up quickly and without changing site code. GA4 can also recommend other events for you to track, such as eCommerce related events like adding items to cart or completing a purchase. 

Last, if none of the events we just described will accomplish exactly what you need, you can set up highly detailed custom events to monitor specific elements or features within your property.

Needless to say, the tradeoff for all this power and configurability is the potential to configure things inefficiently or even to create an event configuration that doesn’t work in the ways you need it to. That’s why a big part of our audit process is analyzing and optimizing event configuration.

Key Conversion Events

Conversions are one of the most important types of events, so organizations should take special care to mark the right events as conversions. Doing so helps businesses understand how well their site or app is leading to the most important customer behaviors — be it a product purchase, form submission or signup, or any other measurable change in behavior. 

Once you’ve identified the types of events that your organization considers to be key conversion events, set them up appropriately using these steps:

  1. Go to Admin, then Events.
  2. Find the events that qualify as conversions, then toggle them accordingly.

By tracking key conversion events, you’ll get a better sense of which digital efforts and assets are leading to those desired outcomes.

Audience Setup

GA4 allows organizations to define groups of users that have one or more elements in common, such as taking specific actions or hitting certain triggers. These groups are called Audiences, and they are a powerful way to segment your users. 

For example, an eCommerce brand might create an Audience of VIPs or high-value customers by grouping together users that spend over a certain threshold. Or a SaaS startup might create an Audience including only those who submitted a particular form. (This is different from list building, which could be the direct purpose of the form: here the organization is interested in what users who submitted that form do on the site, how they interact with elements, and so on.)

Setting up Audiences is under Admin, then Audiences. Start by choosing “New Audience”, then select the conditions that define the audience you want to track.

As part of our audit, we evaluate whether and how an organization is using Audiences for segmentation and analytics.

GA4 Property Settings

Each property within GA4 carries a wide range of property settings, and here again proper configuration is key. Our GA4 audits cover all property settings, including these major areas.

Reporting Time Zone

The internet is global, which means your properties can receive traffic from just about anywhere (and any time). But for reporting to make any sense, it has to be bound within days and hours. 

Most businesses have a primary operating time zone and/or a time zone from which the majority of their users are operating. Set your reporting time zone to match so that all your reporting information is framed properly. 

Google Signals activation

GA4’s ability to track users across their devices relies on Google Signals, so you’ll want to make sure your GA4 account has this activated. With it, you’ll get better demographic data, more accurate tracking, and the ability to remarket across devices.

To activate Google Signals, navigate to Data Collection under Admin, then toggle the button until the blue checkmark appears.  According to Google, “When Google signals is turned on, Google Analytics will collect visitation information and associate it with Google’s information from accounts of signed-in users who have consented to this association for the purpose of ads personalization. Google’s information may include end-user location, search history, YouTube history, and data from sites that partner with Google. “

Quick note: before you do, make sure you review the data sharing settings to ensure compliance with applicable regulations. These vary depending on where your business is located, where you do business, and the industry you’re in, so don’t assume the default settings are right for your specific situation.

Data retention period

GA4 has a default data retention period of two months. After this period, aggregated reports are still available, but detailed exploration reports will be deleted.

Many organizations want access to richer data for longer. We recommend setting this to the maximum, which is 14 months (presuming doing so is compliant within your industry).

Options for data retention are found under Data Settings: Data Retention.

Note that it is no longer possible to retain data indefinitely within GA4. If you need detailed reports for longer than 14 months, you’ll need to export to BigQuery or similar services.

Reporting attribution model

Before GA4, tracking happened per session, so conversions were always attributed to the last-clicked ad or element. A user may have clicked multiple ads across different channels, but that information didn’t make it into the attribution model.

Now it can, to a degree. 

GA4 offers several reporting attribution models to choose from. One of the available options will fit the contours of your properties (and your customer journeys) better than others. 

As we audit customers’ GA4 implementations, we consider whether their selected reporting attribution model is the most accurate, most informative choice. If not, we advise on appropriate changes in this area.

Enhanced measurements enabled

GA4’s enhanced measurements can be incredibly powerful, delivering major insights without any code changes — but they are toggled off by default. Unless your business is just getting started in analytics, you’ll very likely want this on. 

During our audits, we ensure these are toggled on for clients (and that our clients are set up properly to benefit from them).

Account management and roles

GA4 allows organizations to set up numerous roles with differing permission and restrictions. These include:

  • Administrator (manages users, data, settings)
  • Editor (manages data and settings)
  • Analyst (creates and edits assets but cannot edit data)
  • Viewer 
  • None 

It’s important to evaluate who has which level of access, providing what’s necessary to operate efficiently without exposing the organization to unnecessary risk. 

Our audit process includes this evaluation.

Correctly Organizing Data Flow in GA4

With events configured, conversions and audiences defined, and properties set, an organization is well on its way to achieving real value from GA4. 

But even with these elements set up correctly, there’s still the question of data flow. So that’s where we turn next in our audit process.

Filters in use

Your business runs on data — but there is such a thing as bad data, or at least unhelpful data. 

In other words, not all the data you collect is good for analytics. Specifically, you may want to filter out traffic that’s coming from inside the organization or that’s coming from developer devices. Your own employees (and especially your developers) will certainly interact with your properties in ways that your typical customer will not, and especially early in the life of a property, internal traffic will make up a disproportionate amount of overall traffic. 

If you don’t want this data affecting decision-making, then filter it out.

GA4 includes prebuilt filters for developer traffic and internal traffic. You can find these under Data Settings: Data Filters.

Unwanted referrals identified and excluded

For similar reasons, you may want to exclude certain referral sources that don’t help you understand where traffic is coming from.

For example, an eCommerce website isn’t really receiving new traffic from its third-party payment processor. All those “referrals” are just an artifact of transactions occurring. They don’t help the store analyze where customers are coming from.

Doing this is a little more complex than turning on filters. You’ll find this under Data Streams, then More Tagging Settings. From there, look for Tag Configuration, then List Unwanted Referrals. Here you’ll want to manually enter criteria for unwanted referrals that GA4 should ignore. (For example, you might select “Referral domain contains” and then the name of your payment processor.)

Custom dimensions and metrics configured properly (if needed)

GA4 makes it possible to set up custom dimensions and metrics for those situations where your analytics needs aren’t being met. Of course, anything custom requires extra care and has a higher likelihood of developing problems. We’ll evaluate your use of custom dimensions and metrics or, if needed, advise on where these elements could improve your outcomes. 

Default reporting identity set

GA4 allows organizations to identify users by anonymized user ID and device (Blended), or by device only (Observed). We generally recommend the former as it yields richer, more accurate data. That said, this is one of the many significant changes between Universal Analytics and GA4, so you’ll need to make sure your systems are configured in a way that allows you first to track users in this way and then to organize your data accordingly.

Event (conversion) parameters established and confirmed

Knowing what qualifies as a conversion is one key. But ensuring your analytics agree and can properly track those conversions is even more important. We help make sure your conversion parameters make sense for tracking the types of conversions you’re looking for.

For eCommerce businesses: eCommerce tracking implemented

If you sell products or services in an eCommerce store, tracking transactions consistently and accurately is key to understanding revenue and sales. All the major eCommerce platforms can integrate with GA4, but it can still take work and technical expertise to get to a state of seamless data flow.

Channel grouping / content grouping implemented

Channel grouping is sorting incoming traffic according to channel (organic search, social media, paid advertising, etc.). Content grouping is sorting specific content types (landing pages, product pages, blog posts) into logical buckets. With both implemented properly, you’ll greatly increase the usefulness of the data you’re collecting.

Product Links in GA4

Numerous SaaS products link well with GA4. As a part of the audit process, we’ll evaluate the product links and integrations you’re using and possibly identify others that could further extend your capabilities.

These are just a few examples.

  • BigQuery: beneficial for keeping data beyond GA4’s 14-month limit
  • Google Ads: supercharges your Google Ads account with the data and insights you’ve gleaned in GA4
  • Search Console: provides deeper insights into organic search traffic

Debug View Setup

Last, as a part of our audits we will ensure an organization has enabled and is properly using Debug View in GA4. This powerful tool provides real-time verification of whether your GA4 implementation is behaving how you expect: that events are being triggered properly and that users are interacting with your site or app in the way you intend.

Debug View is found under Admin, then DebugView. Enable it there, and then you’re ready to start troubleshooting and viewing events in real time.

DebugView works either within Google Tag Manager’s preview mode or directly in your Chrome browser (there you’ll need to install the GA Debugger extension).

Don’t Go It Alone: Rely on Pumex for World-Class GA4 Audits

GA4 is a powerful platform capable of delivering some results almost instantly. But maximizing the value of your GA4 efforts and making data analytics more efficient will take significant configuration and fine-tuning. 

Pumex offers world-class GA4 audits among its many other services. We’ll identify the strategic changes that your organization can make to truly transform your GA4 results.

User Explorer in GA4: Exploring the Basics

Web analytics are incredibly powerful: they can reveal stunning amounts of information about your audience, its behavior, how effective your digital properties are, and ultimately how well your digital marketing strategies are achieving their intended goals.

But getting the most out of your website and application analytics isn’t easy. And if you’re new to the world of analytics, the learning curve can be steep. It’s easy to feel like you’re drowning in data but still coming up short on insights.

Google Analytics is a large part of most organizations’ analytics strategies. Google recently killed off its previous generation of analytics tools, called Universal Analytics (UA), pushing all users to the new standard, Google Analytics 4 (GA4).

Now that GA4 is the only game in town, all businesses who rely on analytics to understand website traffic, performance, and user behavior need to know the differences and learn how to adapt to the way GA4 operates.

Let’s get started with some basic definitions.

What is the GA4 User Explorer tool?

One big piece of analytics is understanding user behavior in the aggregate: what are the ways that most people interact with a website?

Another equally valuable analytics element is understanding specific user behavior: how are particular users interacting with the website?

(Of course, privacy laws restrict businesses from, say, recording an entire user session and tying it to a specific person, but there are compliant ways to glean information on specific users without identifying who those users are.)

GA4 User Explorer helps you navigate both of these elements and is especially effective at the individual user level. The tool and its reports fully anonymize user data without aggregating that data first, so you retain the full picture of what user did on your website. That data is tied to a client ID that is not itself tied to a specific, identifiable person. Those client IDs are also aggregated, allowing you to analyze information across an entire group of users that match certain characteristics.

What can the GA4 User Explorer report do for a business?

GA4 User Explorer reports can clarify the user journey, both with specific (anonymized) users and in the aggregate (analyzing user behavior as a group or multiple groups). And it does so at a level of specificity that blows away previous models.

What might that look like in execution? Here are a few ways businesses are turning User Explorer reports into insights and action.

UI/UX troubleshooting

You can test, retest, and test some more, but when your new website or page or app or online store goes live, users will find new and exciting ways to break what you built (or at least find the weakest points and get stuck on them).

With GA4’s User Explorer reports, you can examine user actions to identify how they get stuck, where they encounter errors, what they do afterward, and more. If the issue you’re troubleshooting often results in the same action, you may also be able to look at this data in the aggregate by pooling all users who have taken that action.

Conversion optimization

Conversion optimization is an entire discipline or specialty requiring tools and knowledge outside of Google Analytics. Still, the ability to analyze specific user behavior (say, during an A/B test) can help you narrow down your options and optimize your properties faster according to which elements performed better.

Retention and retargeting

Identifying specific patterns of actions can help you with both customer retention and audience retargeting. Of course, you can’t tie GA4 user reports to specific users. But you can figure out when and why customers purchase, then adjust your marketing efforts accordingly. You may also identify audience attributes for the types of users that abandon their carts or otherwise fall off, then retarget those general audiences.

What are the biggest changes, advantages, and limitations?

GA4 delivers a ton of power and capability, but there are downsides as well. If you already have some experience using UA’s User Explorer, then the easiest approach is to compare the two. Here are the biggest differences you’ll find in GA4’s User Explorer, both positive and negative.


One big advantage is tied to the change in structure between the two systems. GA4 looks at users across devices: it has the ability to identify that visits from User X’s smartphone browser, mobile app, and desktop browser are all in fact from User X.

This is a huge benefit: what might look like a lost user could actually be that same user moving to their desktop to complete a transaction. What looks like a single desktop visit with no repeat traffic could in fact be a user who left your website to download your app and now uses your service consistently.

In UA, you didn’t have an effective way to know. But in GA4, you do.


The biggest limitation is ease of use.

If you read our article on GA4 pros and cons, you probably picked up on a theme: GA4 is more powerful, but it’s also more complicated — even to the degree that it makes things that were simple in UA harder to do. That’s the case here as well, as many users discover they can’t (immediately) identify some elements that feel like basic ones, like which page was opened or which link was clicked.

Of course, you can still do click tracking but not until you manually enable enhanced measurement and take several other actions.

So GA4 comes with a learning curve, and many elements won’t “just work” if they’re still set up the way that made sense in UA. There may also be a heavier resource requirement to operating with GA4 because of all that added capability and complexity.

There’s also a pretty big limitation to user reports: you’re limited to two dimensions. Given the sheer number of options and possible data points in GA4, you might find it frustrating that you can only surface two in any specific user explorer report.

How to access User Explorer in GA4

User Explorer is a powerful feature area, but it isn’t exactly obvious where to find it.

Start by navigating to the Explorations tab on the left (Explore / an arrow in a magnifying glass). Then all the way over on the right-hand side, click Template Gallery.

This template gallery contains numerous exploration reports, called Techniques. One of these is the User Explorer. (The others are worth exploring, too, but we won’t review them for this article.)

Front and center you’ll find users’ Effective user IDs, which are the identifiers GA4 uses to link together various sessions and devices all connected to a single user. You can change the Effective user ID in your settings as well. You may see other default metrics like event count and sessions. In this view you can start applying filters and segmenting your audience, though you might want to wait until the next section to do this.

If it’s your first time in User Explorer, the default view may be a bit underwhelming until you customize it. So let’s do that next!

Customizing your User Explorer reports

User Explorer gives you plenty of options for customizing your reports. These work differently for aggregate vs. individual reports.

All users

When running User Explorer reports on aggregate audiences, it’s possible to segment your audience using both the Settings and Variables columns in the tool. There are more than 150 metrics available, giving you tons of flexibility here.

Where you don’t get flexibility is in the maximum number of dimensions applied. This is locked at two, unfortunately: Effective user ID and Stream name.

When you toggle on variables in the Variables column, you can then find those under the Settings column, allowing you to add those segments to your report. Here you can also specify the start row and how many total rows you want to see.

User Explorer reports can be viewed several different ways:

  • Bar chart
  • Plain text
  • Heat map

You’ll also find more levels of filtering in the settings bar, allowing you to narrow down results to certain device types, for example.

Note that your results and metrics will not match those from UA. Parameters and ways of calculating and categorizing have all changed, sometimes in significant ways. So comparing old UA metrics to your current GA4 metrics is like comparing apples and oranges. You shouldn’t assume a one-to-one correlation.

Individual users

GA4 also allows you to explore individual users by clicking on their effective user ID (which you’ll see in the all users report). Clicking this will bring up information about their first visit to your property, where they’re located, and their data stream.

Many vital metrics are automatically displayed, including:

  • Top events (views, engagements, sessions, errors, etc.)
  • Event count
  • Purchase revenue
  • Number of transactions
  • Time spent (engagement)

Down below you can expand or collapse individual sessions to see which actions occurred in which sessions. Within these, you’ll see specific event names and which audiences the user qualifies for based on their actions.

You can also use filters to narrow down to specific events you want to see, and from there you can create segments (the button should be in the top right) based on selected events.

You also have the ability to delete individual user entries. This could be helpful if you want to remove testing data or edge cases you’ve already solved, for example.

Dive Deeper into Advanced Analytics with Pumex

GA4 unlocks new levels of analytics compared to Google’s own previous set of tools. But as your business grows, you may encounter the need to go even deeper than what GA4 allows.

That’s where we can help.

Pumex is the experienced voice and partner you need for solving software development and technology integration problems at any scale. We’ll help you maximize your analytics and business intelligence results so you can grow conversions, improve decision making, and maximize revenue. 

GA4 Pros and Cons

GA4 Pros and Cons

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is a truly evolutionary step forward, delivering unprecedented analytics power. But to achieve this new level of performance and capability, GA4 is taking a dramatically different approach to collecting data.

Google has made significant changes to something that has long been a core piece of the digital marketing strategy for many businesses. And anytime big changes come to something people rely on to do their jobs, it can create confusion (not to mention a fair amount of anxiety).

Over the last few years, businesses first grappled with the question of whether to switch to GA4. Then the question moved from whether to when, as Google announced its plans to sunset GA4’s predecessor, Universal Analytics (UA).

That date has come and gone: as of July 1, 2024, businesses no longer have a choice. UA is dead, meaning that any organization using Google Analytics must migrate to GA4.

Businesses and organizations now making the full switch to GA4 understandably have questions: What are we losing as we switch? What will we gain? What will we have to change about our processes to maintain the status quo? What else needs to change so we get the most out of switching?

What Is GA4?

Google Analytics 4 is the next generation of Google’s analytics service and platform. It allows businesses and organizations to measure the traffic and engagement coming in from various digital platforms (web, mobile, apps) and to draw conclusions from how that traffic behaves. Businesses use GA4 to understand their audiences so they can continue to refine their approach to reaching those audiences.

GA4 is the successor to Universal Analytics (UA), replacing the older platform entirely as of July 1, 2024.

How Is GA4 Different From Universal Analytics?

GA4 isn’t just an incremental step forward built on the UA framework. It’s an entirely new approach to thinking about, collecting, and analyzing analytics data. For example:

  • Where UA was built around sessions, GA4 is built around events.
  • Where UA measured various devices and platforms separately, GA4 connects users across devices and platforms, giving deeper insight into a user’s whole interaction.
  • GA4 introduces new AI and machine learning capabilities that can fill in gaps in data.
  • Metrics themselves are calculated differently, meaning results from UA and GA4 aren’t always apples to apples.

The evolution from sessions to events illustrates well the jump in both capability and complexity. GA4’s events are both more granular and more connected than UA’s sessions were, giving analytics teams far more tools and capabilities. But along with expanded capabilities come new levels of complexity.

GA4 Pros and Cons

Many of the pros and cons of switching to GA4 come in pairs: a specific change that both delivers value in certain ways or to certain customers and creates problems or challenges for others.

Take the first one as an example: GA4 has a new, more powerful, more complex data model. Whether that’s a good thing (more capabilities!) or a bad thing (this was already too complex!) is a matter of perspective.

To help with natural reading, we’re grouping these paired pros and cons together.

Data Model

Pro: New Data Model

The data model in GA4 is quite different from the one in UA. Get used to talking about events (which include all sorts of interactions, including page views) and custom parameters (you can add up to 25 for each event). These events are automatically recorded, eliminating a lot of manual configuration that you had to work through if you wanted to do the same sorts of things in UA.

Con: Data Model Is More Complex

The old Google Analytics was comparatively straightforward, showing you the number of page views, bounce rate, and so forth. It’s great that we now have access to exponentially more points of data and differentiation, but all of that has to be understood, wrangled, processed, and so on. This added complexity will likely be a resource burden for some teams and organizations.

Data Streams

Pro: Data Streams Are In

In GA4, views have been replaced by data streams, which are a much more robust way of interacting with visitor data. Using data streams, you can collect data from disparate sources into the same Google Analytics 4 property, grouping together (for example) data streams from web visits, Android app users, and iOS/iPadOS users.

Con: Views Are Out

If you liked the way views worked in UA, then GA4 will be a big adjustment. Data streams are more powerful and flexible, but they’re quite different, and they don’t really replicate the functionality of UA’s views.


Pro: Better User Privacy

GA4 fully anonymizes IP addresses (UA only partly anonymized them). By storing IP addresses as a hash value that cannot reveal any part of the actual IP address, GA4 adds to user privacy.

Con: Less Identifying Information

Of course, what’s good for your customers may not be as good for your business. By removing the identifying information available in UA, GA4 gives its users less to work with. Businesses and workflows that relied on this partial identifying information will be scrambling to find which of Google’s new solutions will do what they need.


Pro: Explorations

Explorations is a new way of exploring data in GA4. They’re quite powerful and can go deeper than standard reports, though you may encounter a bit of a learning curve.

Con: Fewer Standard Reports

In exchange for Explorations, you’ll have to give up all but 20 standard reports (UA had 80+). Google would probably argue that the nixed reports are redundant and that you can get all the same information from Explorations or predefined enhanced reports, but that still adds up to disruption to processes and workflows.


Pro: Reporting Is Much More Powerful

You’ll find all sorts of predefined enhanced reports in GA4. These enable you to start collecting data on new user actions (such as scrolling, searching, and downloading) — without having to make changes to the site code.

In other words: GA4 enhanced reporting should work out of the box with no retrofitting or modifications to your site.

Con: Standard Reports Less Effective

GA4’s Engagement Event Reports (roughly akin to UA’s Standard Reports) are actually less flexible and less deep. Engagement Event Reports are limited to two elements, with no option to add a third. (This may be another reason to switch to predefined enhanced reports rather than event reports.)

Additional GA4 Pros

Pro: User Sessions Grouped Intelligently and Cross-Platform

Despite the increase in user privacy, GA4 has improved the way it identifies users across multiple devices or platforms. Now you have the option of grouping user data from multiple contexts. For example, you should now be able to see that a visit via mobile web, desktop, and later through a mobile app all tie to the same user. You can’t identify who that user is, of course, but you can draw deeper insights by seeing the complete picture of how that user interacts with your properties.

Pro: Advancements in Machine Learning

Overall data quality in web analytics has been degrading for some time. Privacy-focused browsers, ad blockers, regulations and restrictions on what can and can’t be collected, and changes at the OS and browser level are all creating gaps in the data. Fields that you used to populate easily are now blank or suspect.

GA4 sees the answer in machine learning (ML), which can use advanced pattern recognition to fill in some of these gaps.

As a practical example, ML can help you better predict conversion likelihood and segment your audience accordingly.

Pro: Interact Using Natural Language

This one’s pretty cool for technical and nontechnical users alike: the Search Box in GA4 got a massive intelligence upgrade. Thanks to natural language processing (NLP), you can now ask questions and search for information the same way you were if you were talking to or messaging a (human) peer.

As you’ve probably seen by now elsewhere, these tools can be incredibly insightful, but they are still notably limited. Don’t expect it to understand context or admit to uncertainty like your coworker would, but you can certainly expect it to remember information (and churn through large stores of data) far better.

Pro: Funnels Can Do (A Lot) More

The word “funnel” tends to remind us of one or two things: email drip campaigns or eCommerce sales funnels. In UA you could more or less only deal with the types related to eCommerce. But in GA4, the world of funnels opens up a lot wider. GA4 allows you to create all kinds of user paths, segmenting and subdividing them however you want. You can track more types of events, and — crucially — you can do all of this across multiple sessions (something that wasn’t possible in UA).

Pro: Better Integrations (and More Are Free)

GA4 builds much stronger integrations and links, especially to other Google services like BigQuery, Google Optimize, Merchant Center, Google Search Console, Google Ads, and Ad Manager.

These integrations can do more than they could in UA, but the biggest pro is availability and price. In the UA system, many of these were reserved for paid and enterprise users. But in GA4 they’re free for everyone.

Pro: Audience Triggers

GA4 allows users to set up audience triggers, which trigger a new event when a user meets a specified condition.

Here’s an example of how you might use new audience triggers in a content marketing SEO campaign. You already have a body of content, such as a blog history or a set of knowledge base articles. Those assets already have in-text CTAs and graphical CTAs, and you may even structure these pieces of content around a funnel of sorts. But until now, it’s more or less been up to your audience to keep clicking on new articles or to eventually convert. Now you can create an audience trigger that moves a user into a new audience (say, stronger leads) once a user reads five articles at least 65% of the way through.

Pro: New debugView Tool

GA4 gives you countless opportunities for customization and exploration, which is great — until something breaks.

The new debugView tool helps you overcome the inevitable bugs and issues that crop up in your analytics. You’ll be able to find tracking setting errors, issues with user parameters, data transfer, and many other elements.

Other GA4 Cons

Switching to GA4 isn’t all positive news. Here are a few standalone negative factors, cons that don’t have a corresponding pro to offset them.

Con: Historical Data Limited to 14 Months

In UA, organizations could set an unlimited storage period for historical data, but GA4 does away with this. In GA4 you can store a maximum of 14 months of historical data.

To be fair, this isn’t a huge deal: there are other ways to store historical data for longer using other tools, such as BigQuery. Still, if you were relying on this capability within UA, it means one more process change associated with switching.

Con: Geared Toward Larger Orgs with More Resources

One theme that seems to run through nearly every change in GA4 is more: more customization, more options, more power, more flexibility. But all of that “more” comes at a resource cost. The more complex your data analytics apparatus, the more resources you need to run it.

This is no problem for larger organizations and enterprises. But the legions of small to mid-sized businesses relying on Google Analytics may find it painful to adapt.

Con: Some Free Features Move to Paid — And Get More Complicated

We mentioned earlier that Views are out, and that’s a double shame since Views were available to all users. They’ve been replaced by some more complex capabilities (called roll-up properties and subproperties) that are limited to certain paid account types, at least for now.

This change is one more example of GA4 getting more capable and configurable, but at the cost of added complexity.

Pumex Offers Advanced Analytics, BI, and More

Looking for a partner to help you maximize your analytics and business intelligence results? Pumex is the experienced voice and partner you need for solving software development and technology integration problems at an scale. [Reach out to our team today – or other CTA]

Headhunting vs. Traditional Recruiting: Why Headhunting Remains the Gold Standard

Hiring in today’s jobs landscape is complex and challenging, especially for organizations looking to fill higher-level, specialized, or technical positions.

One reason: not enough workers to fill the roles. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce estimates that as of May 2024 businesses in professional and business services had twice as many unfilled job openings compared to available workers.

Another complicating factor is retention or attrition: Gartner found that just 29% of IT workers responded that they had “high intent” to stick with the company they were currently working for.

Given the challenges, it’s not uncommon for hiring managers and HR departments to turn to outside help in filling certain roles.

But just what should this outside help look like? That’s a question certainly worth asking. Is the secret simply casting a wider net, getting your job post out to ever-larger audiences? Or is a more targeted approach the better choice?

We believe the data is clear: headhunting continues to be the gold standard in recruitment, outperforming passive recruiting methods in identifying and securing the best candidates.

What Is Headhunting?

Headhunting is a targeted approach to hiring that seeks out specific good-fit candidates for specific roles, regardless of whether that candidate is publicly looking for a new position. The specialists who perform this work, often called headhunters, reach out directly to professionals with job offers, usually ones designed to be more attractive than the candidate’s current role.

Because headhunting is more labor intensive than other recruiting strategies, it’s usually used for high-level roles (such as the “head” of the organization) as well as for technical and specialist positions where workers are in high demand.

Headhunting goes by other names, including executive search and passive recruiting. (We avoid the latter term because it can cause confusion: the recruiting is very much active, but the candidates are passive in that they are not looking for a new job.)

How Is Headhunting Different From Traditional Recruiting?

Both headhunting and traditional recruiting target specific individuals for recruitment purposes. The difference is in which people they target.

Headhunters target professionals who are typically already employed and who aren’t actively or publicly looking for a new position. They may also consider active candidates; their primary goal no matter the source is to identify the best possible professional for a specific role.

Traditional recruiters, on the other hand, search only among active candidates — those open to work or actively searching for a new position. They may work from lists of active candidates or pull in applications by posting a position widely, but they don’t regularly reach out to candidates who are already employed and not looking for something new.

Why Headhunting Continues to Outperform Traditional Recruiting Methods

There are several reasons why headhunting continues to outperform other methods of recruiting, including the ones we’ve listed below.


1a. Traditional recruiting must vet interested bad-fit candidates

Traditional recruiting approaches tend to result in numerous job applications from people who are quite motivated to get hired. Among all those applications there may be one or more strong candidates, but the recruiter — and internal decision-makers, like a department head or hiring manager — must be sure to vet every application carefully.

Additionally, this vetting is getting tougher: in an age of AI-generated resumes, anyone can claim just about anything in nearly perfect professional English.


1b. Headhunting surfaces only proven candidates

Headhunting, on the other hand, “pre-vets” its candidates in a way. By limiting the job search to qualified candidates already doing the work (just for some other company), headhunters produce a higher caliber of candidate overall.


2a. Traditional recruiting ignores the best of the talent pool

First, a caveat: there are all sorts of reasons why a professional may end up out of work, including reasons that are no fault of the individual. When Google or Amazon shutters an entire division, a bunch of highly qualified professionals suddenly find themselves looking for a new opportunity.

But it remains true that in the big picture the best of any given talent pool is more likely to be currently employed. So if your recruiting approach ignores the already-employed, you’re by definition ignoring some of the best talent out there for a given role.


2b. Headhunting limits its focus to the best of the talent pool

In contrast, headhunting focuses with precision on exactly the part of the talent pool that traditional recruiting ignores: the best possible candidates. Sure, it may be more work to attract and hire from this pool. But no one said getting the best would be the path of least resistance!


3a. Traditional recruiting creates too much noise

Another issue is the amount of noise or static generated by traditional recruiting methods.

To see what we mean, open up LinkedIn, search for any tech job, and click a few listings. “Be among the first 795 to apply!” doesn’t exactly instill confidence in job searchers, but imagine being on the other end of all that noise. Sure, there are technology tools like ATS that help to thin out the pile of resumes, but it’s still a lot to deal with.

Whether that work falls to an external recruiter or an internal hiring manager is irrelevant: the right candidate is hidden somewhere in all that noise, but digging through and finding that person isn’t easy.


3b. Headhunting eliminates the static

Because headhunting generates a much smaller pool of applicants, each of whom has already been pre-vetted, there just isn’t any static to deal with. Every candidate is worth evaluating, so you won’t risk “resume fatigue” or losing good candidates in a deluge of applications.


4a. Traditional recruiting is reactive

To one degree or another, traditional recruiting is reactive: the most active traditional recruiting is still reacting to the jobs market, looking at candidates who have already indicated their desire to find a new position. On the less active end of the spectrum, traditional recruitment may look like simply waiting for the applications to roll in, then reacting based on who found the job post and bothered to apply.

No matter where your definition of recruiting falls on that spectrum, it’s still an entirely reactive process. Nothing can happen until others express interest.


4b. Headhunting is proactive

Headhunters approach people who aren’t looking for a new job. This is by definition proactive work: you need a specific capability or specialization, and your headhunter proactively goes out and finds the right candidates.

Think of it as the difference between house-shopping with a high-powered real estate agent working at your region’s largest brokerage versus Zillow-surfing while working with an inexperienced part-time real estate agent.

One of those approaches can proactively find you leads even before they hit the open market. The other reacts to what’s left after the proactive agents and buyers are through.


5. Headhunting is often quicker than traditional recruiting

One more aspect to consider is your hiring timeline. Because headhunting is more of a precision art, it delivers a smaller, more targeted set of candidates who need less vetting and due diligence. Often the overall hiring timeline is shorter with a headhunter than with traditional recruiting.

Because traditional recruiting and hiring must work through a larger pool of resumes, do more aggressive vetting, and possibly communicate with more candidates, it’s often a slower process.

Just One Drawback

Headhunting is better than traditional recruiting in each of the categories we’ve considered. There’s just one drawback: price.

Using legacy methods, headhunting is quite costly. For high-value positions, the results justify the cost. But if you need to hire a hundred junior developers? Headhunting would be hard to justify — perhaps not even desirable if budget were no concern.

Notice we said “using legacy methods,” though: thanks to technology innovations from Pumex, the headhunting process is evolving — and democratizing.


The Pumex Difference

Pumex now makes it possible to engage in proactive headhunting in ways that didn’t exist just a few years ago. We leverage the best of human experience and networking with powerful AI-driven technology solutions to deliver proactive targeted leads that close the gap between headhunting and recruiting.

Pumex is making headhunting accessible to a wider range of companies, for a wider range of positions. And it’s supercharging what professional recruiters and headhunters alike are able to accomplish for their clients.

Fake and Bloated Candidate Profiles in Hiring and Recruiting: Problems and Solutions

With the proliferation of generative AI tools, including tools built specifically for resume creation, it’s easier than it’s ever been for people to inflate their resumes or candidate profiles. With just a few clicks and taps, anyone can create professional-ish text full of qualifications that sound impressive if not too good to be true. 

The rapid rise in fake or bloated candidate profiles in job applications is creating new challenges for businesses, hiring managers, HR professionals, and recruiters. Larger businesses face the biggest hurdles here: as we’ll explain, the difficulty isn’t as much identifying these profiles, but doing so on a scale. 

Putting the Problem in Context

Fake and bloated candidate profiles aren’t exactly new: people have been padding resumes as long as resumes have been a thing. Claiming to have a degree or credential or to have attended a prestigious college, exaggerating accomplishments within a real past job role, and even creating entirely fictional entries somewhere in the job history — it’s an open secret that these are commonplace. 

Of course, there’s the famous example of Frank Abagnale, whose real-world behavior (and success, for a time) was so notable that it even got the Hollywood treatment. 

And for as many stories as you’ll find of high-profile executives who get caught for these kinds of actions, it’s a safe bet that exponentially lower-profile professionals have done the same. 

So, what’s changed in the last couple of years? 

The barrier to entry. 

It’s just much easier to do these things today, and in a way that more easily passes initial scrutiny. 

AI Out of Control?

What’s new has a whole lot to do with the generative AI frenzy. There’s an entire family of paid resume-building tools out there (like this one) that ask the candidate to supply a job title, then the AI “magically” builds a set of accomplishments for that job title — based on keyword relevance alone, with absolutely no consideration of whether the person did anything of the sort while working that job. (Several of the tools we surveyed didn’t even give the candidate the opportunity to list the details of their own accomplishments!) 

The Good News: Second-Level Fraud Is Still Extremely Difficult

The good news for businesses and hiring managers is that while creating this kind of material is easy, backing it up remains quite difficult. 

That’s because someone who’s trying to sneak through with a fake candidate profile will almost certainly not have the resources to backfill supporting material. Fake or fraudulent references are usually easy to discover with a small bit of investigation. Fraudulent job history claims are similar (if a point of contact is required in the job application). 

There are other tools that can help here as well, but for now we’ll sum it up this way: creating a convincing fraudulent resume is much easier today than a decade ago. But creating an entire persona with a believable job and education history with references that check out? That takes serious resources nearly on the level of state-sponsored spycraft, or (as in the famous case of Abagnale) incredible personal talent and gravitas. 

The problem for businesses and recruiters is that the vetting process required for identifying and filtering out candidates like these remains highly manual, time-consuming, and difficult to scale. 

Techniques for Identifying Fraudulent or Exaggerated Candidate Profiles

We’ll get to the issue of scalability in a moment, but first let’s talk about the strategies that expert recruiters use to identify and eliminate fraudulent or exaggerated candidate profiles and job applications.


1. Watch for keyword overload

Applicants know they live in the age of applicant tracking systems (ATS), and they know that some of these systems are automatically rejecting resumes without the right percentage of relevant keywords. 

The solution, they assume, is to stuff their resume to the gills with potentially relevant keywords. However, it’s usually possible with a quick read to tell the difference between a resume written with ATS/keywords in mind and one written to fool such systems regardless of actual qualifications or ability. 

Related: watch out for resumes with terms and keywords that seem to be going after an impossibly wide slice of an industry. No one’s an expert in everything.


2. Consider the digital trail

Well-qualified candidates for highly compensated positions will almost always have a digital trail. Check out whether the digital trail makes sense for the claims given. Consider it a massive red flag when you encounter an applicant with minimal or zero connections to the institutions, and employers claimed on a candidate profile. 

For example, a professional who went to Harvard will almost certainly count numerous other Harvard alums as members of their network, and this isn’t hard to see on LinkedIn.


3. Check the references

References are hard to spoof convincingly. Many times, candidates will use friends or family as their references for fraudulent roles. It’s usually not hard to compare references and their contact information with what’s been provided. For example: 

  • Could that phone number reasonably belong to the claimed business? 
  • Is that email address a legitimate business address? 
  • Is there anyone on LinkedIn by the reference’s name who’s in the role the applicant claims? 

With a little social engineering, a fraudulent applicant may be able to fake some elements here. But it’s nearly impossible to fake them all fully.


4. Use technical assessments where possible

Technical assessments are a strong option for many roles, especially within the technology and software sectors. These tests are a great way to thin the herd, so to speak it doesn’t matter what someone claims on a resume if they can’t demonstrate aptitude in the work itself. 

Technical assessments can suffer from the same scalability problems, but modern solutions like the ones offered through Pumex help businesses automate and scale technical assessments.


5. Remember the power of the interview

Last, remember the power of a live interview: someone who generated their qualifications via ChatGPT probably won’t be able to speak confidently and passionately about those qualifications or the relevant work history. Someone who worked that job or has that qualification can speak naturally and effortlessly about it. 

The Best Solution: Rely on the Experts

All these tips are actionable and can help individual hiring managers win now through a handful of applications. 

But what about situations where you get a thousand applicants for a single job posting? What about larger companies and enterprise businesses hiring hundreds or even thousands of jobs at a time? These tips alone aren’t enough to stay ahead of the deluge of applicants and job postings. 

The best solution is to rely on an expert, tech-powered staffing service, such as what we provide at Pumex. Pumex combines deep human expertise in staffing and recruiting with proprietary digital tools that work together to solve your hiring and recruiting challenges. 

We provide more than just the tools to work through piles of resumes. We handle as much of the process as you want us to take care of background checks, work verification, reference checks, matching resumes to LinkedIn profiles, highly targeted technical assessments, videos of technical interviews, and matching candidates to a verified ID. 

The five tips we provided above are just a few of the processes that we do daily, taking the pressure off of clients and allowing them to focus on moving business forward — not deciding which resumes are legit and which are inflated or fake. 

By working with Pumex, you gain a partner with a trained team of experts and the tools necessary to ensure 100% authentic candidates, drastically cutting down your vetting process and allowing you to focus only on interviewing relevant candidates. 

The Demand for Skilled Engineers

Attracting and retaining skilled IT engineers and other technical talent is always a complex challenge. In recent years, the complexities of hiring top IT talent have only intensified. 

There are multiple reasons for the difficulties in hiring qualified software engineers and other IT pros. Understanding why IT recruitment is so difficult can help firms strategize to identify the best hiring strategies. 

The IT Engineer Hiring Landscape

An analysis by recruiting firm Robert Half International showed that there were more than 400,000 new software engineering and development positions posted in 2023. That figure comes despite large layoffs at prominent technology companies throughout the year. 

Similarly, a late 2022 survey by Gartner showed significant challenges in hiring and retaining IT staff. In the survey, 86 percent of CIOs reported more competition for qualified IT candidates and 73 percent were concerned about IT staff attrition. 

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics is bullish on the software development data. According to BLS data, the employment outlook for software developers, quality assurance analysts and testers is slated to grow by 25 percent from 2022 to 2032. That’s a much faster rate than for other occupations. 

In addition, the BLS projects about 153,900 openings in those professions annually during the same time frame. 

According to Robert Half International, the top in-demand IT positions include: 

  • IT Operations Manager 
  • Software Engineer 
  • Software Developer 
  • Network or Cloud Manager 
  • Database Developer 
  • Systems Engineer 
  • Business Analyst 
  • Systems Administrator 
  • Desktop Support Analyst
  • Help Desk Staff 

Why It’s So Difficult to Hire IT Engineers

There are myriad challenges in attracting and hiring quality IT engineers and other staff. Here are a few of the core reasons. 

Need Not Matching Education

Technology space is changing rapidly. In recent years, multiple disruptive technologies have upended entire industries, including cloud computing, artificial intelligence, machine learning and blockchain. These technologies are also evolving quickly. 

The evolutionary nature of all these technologies means that many employees do not have the skills needed to meet the needs of businesses seeking IT staff. 

While there are many programs designed to meet the needs of an ever-evolving IT landscape, these do not often pass muster. Boot camps and certificate programs may provide core skills, but many participants focus on “passing the test” and do not have the understanding and experience needed to thrive. 

Fierce Competition

If you are a talented IT engineer, you can write your own ticket. There are lots of jobs available and candidates can afford to be choosy. With so many interesting jobs available, job seekers can wait for the ideal position to open, putting pressure on those looking for IT talent to get creative about how they recruit. 

Desire to Change Jobs

The IT culture is nomadic in nature. Many professionals prefer to hop around, leaving jobs after two or three years for seemingly greener pastures. 

IT pros are naturally curious and are often seeking their next challenge. That means they seek situations where they remain intellectually stimulated and ready for the next complex project. 

If managers are unable to provide those challenges, IT staff are often looking elsewhere. 

No Hybrid or Remote Work

The COVID-19 pandemic changed the way we work. That is true for IT as well as other positions. 

Technology enables many software developers and other IT professionals to work from anywhere there is reliable Wi-Fi connectivity. 

Workplaces that fail to adapt to this changing reality are doomed to lose talent or have trouble attracting it. 

Shifts in Compensation

Many IT jobs are high-paying positions, commanding competitive salaries in the private and public sectors alike. Organizations that were paying lower-level IT positions $35,000 to $45,000 annually are now finding applicant pools where the salary expectation is $80,000. For jobs like engineering that require more education, the salary demands are also escalating. 

Rising inflation and competitiveness have changed the compensation game. Companies need to respond with salaries that keep them competitive. 

Lack of People Skills

It may be a cliché, but it’s rooted in reality. Many IT professionals lack some of the basic people skills that employers are seeking. Hiring committees and managers may be put off by interviews that are awkward or uncomfortable. 

The best technical minds may not have the communications or interpersonal skills that bridge the gap. This lack of social skills can drag on hiring times as companies look for the right candidate. 

How to Attract Top IT Talent

The challenges facing companies seeking IT workers are complex and clear. A new approach is necessary if you’re looking to fill vacancies with personnel that have the skills and experience necessary for success. 

Here are some of the key strategies and tactics necessary to thrive in the competitive space for IT talent. 

Look to Nontraditional Sources

Different talent sources are necessary to find talent. While the boot camps and certificate programs may not always have the best approaches, there are some of those sources that deliver great talent. 

Look to temporary staffing agencies as another way to test out potential talent and find good fits for your needs, too. 

Boost Your Corporate Brand

Employees increasingly want to work for organizations that have strong corporate reputations, great work environments and positive employee engagement. If you’re not focused on creating exceptional experiences for your teams, you’re at risk of losing out on talent. 

Consider how you communicate to your team, the clarity and transparency of your messaging and what your employees are saying about working at your company. 

Trust and loyalty are earned and built on a long-term commitment to the people you employ. 

Focus on Work-Life Balance

A true, authentic focus on work-life balance is an excellent way to attract talent. That means carefully considering the ability to provide hybrid or fully remote work for key IT positions. Most businesses worldwide now provide some version of remote or hybrid work; if your company does not, you’re losing out. 

Provide Professional Development

IT employees want to grow in their jobs. As the advent of new technologies persists, so, too, will the need for skilled staff to leverage these opportunities. 

Providing continuing education, on-the-job training and a commitment to professional growth will help in recruitment and retention. Encourage them and pay for courses, certifications and other training that will position them, and you, well for the future. 

Reskill and Upskill Employees

You may have the answer to your IT recruitment needs already in place. There may be employees working elsewhere in your organization who are interested in shifting into a career in technology. 

Provide these employees with those same opportunities to learn on the job and you may very well solve your pressing IT staffing needs. 

Recruit for Experience

There are many talented IT professionals who did not go to one of the top technical colleges are universities. While a pedigree may appear important on paper, in practice, there is talent everywhere. 

The key is to look at the experiences and skills that are in place on a resume and look past where a candidate was educated. 

Develop Career Paths

Recruitment is just one part of the employee lifecycle. Retention is also essential, especially given the competition and cost of hiring IT talent. 

Attract and retain IT talent by having well-defined career trajectories. Helping IT staff see themselves working long-term for your company demonstrates your commitment to them as professionals. 

Be sure you are transparent about your compensation (salary and bonus) policies, the ability for staff to be promoted to bigger roles and the professional opportunities available. Ensure managers support career progression and empower their staff. 

The need for great IT talent is not going away any time soon. Understanding the challenges and developing cohesive strategies will help boost your recruitment efforts. 

Challenges and Limitations of Hybrid Apps

Hybrid mobile app development offers an enticing opportunity to build applications capable of operating across various platforms using a unified codebase. Nonetheless, this method entails its fair share of obstacles and constraints, which developers need to manage effectively. In this context, we have compiled a list of frequently asked questions aimed at shedding light on these challenges and limitations.

1. What is the biggest disadvantage of hybrid apps?

The most significant disadvantage of hybrid apps is their generally lower performance compared to native apps. Since hybrid apps rely on web technologies and a single codebase to operate across multiple platforms, they often can’t match the speed and efficiency of native apps, which are built specifically for each operating system. This performance gap can be evident in complex animations, high-end graphics, or when processing large amounts of data. 

Hybrid apps may have limited access to and integration with a device’s hardware and native features, potentially leading to a less intuitive user experience. This limitation can be particularly noticeable in areas like advanced gestures, seamless integration with device-specific features, or when requiring intensive device usage.

2. What are the disadvantages of hybrid mobile apps?

Beyond the primary issue of lower performance compared to native apps, hybrid mobile apps face several other disadvantages. 

  • Performance Issues: Often slower and less smooth, particularly for graphically intense or complex applications.
  • Limited Device Feature Access: Restricted integration with device-specific hardware and features.
  • Dependency on Frameworks: Reliance on third-party development frameworks, which can introduce constraints.
  • Inconsistent UI/UX: Challenges in matching the native look and feel of each operating system, potentially affecting user experience.
  • Complex Debugging: Debugging can be more difficult due to the need to account for multiple platforms and web-native interactions.
  • Longer Load Times: Tend to have slower load times compared to native apps.
  • Reduced Offline Capabilities: It might not offer the same level of offline functionality as native apps.

3. Why is a hybrid app not popular?

While hybrid apps are popular for certain use cases, they may not be the first choice for all scenarios due to several reasons:

  • Performance Limitations: Hybrid apps generally don’t perform as well as native apps, especially in terms of speed and fluidity. The performance gap can be significant for applications requiring intensive graphics, complex animations, or high responsiveness.
  • User Experience: The user experience in hybrid apps might not be as smooth or intuitive as in native apps. This is partly because hybrid apps might not fully conform to the specific design guidelines of each platform (iOS, Android), leading to a less native feel.
  • Access to Device Features: Hybrid apps have limited access to device-specific features and hardware compared to native apps. While modern frameworks have improved this, there can still be limitations in integrating with certain hardware components or advanced features.
  • Dependence on Frameworks: Hybrid app development relies heavily on third-party frameworks like Cordova or Ionic. Any changes, updates, or discontinuation of these frameworks can directly impact the apps built on them.
  • Market Perception: There’s a perception in some markets that hybrid apps are less ‘professional’ or ‘serious’ than native apps. This can affect the decision-making process of businesses and developers, especially for high-stakes or high-budget projects.

Complexity in Maintenance: Maintaining hybrid apps can be complex, especially when dealing with different operating systems and browser versions, which can lead to increased costs and resources in the long run.

4. Why is native app development better than hybrid?

Native app development is often considered superior to hybrid development for several reasons:

  • Performance: Native apps are generally faster and more responsive. They are specifically built for the platform they run on, utilizing the device’s hardware and software to the fullest extent. This results in smoother animations, quicker load times, and an overall snappier user experience.
  • User Experience (UX): Native apps can offer a superior user experience. They are designed to match the look and feel of their specific platform, adhering to its design guidelines. This familiarity makes them intuitive for users, leading to higher engagement levels.
  • Access to Device Capabilities: Native apps have full access to the device’s hardware and software features, like the camera, microphone, GPS, accelerometer, and more. This allows developers to create richer, more interactive app experiences.
  • Reliability and Stability: Native apps tend to be more stable and reliable. They interact directly with the native APIs and components of the platform, which generally means fewer bugs and crashes.
  • Offline Performance: Native apps usually offer better offline capabilities than hybrid apps. They can store more data locally and process it effectively, which is crucial for many app types.
  • Security: As they are developed within a mature ecosystem following specific platform guidelines, native apps can offer stronger security features. This is particularly important for apps that handle sensitive user data.
  • Market Presence: Having a native app can sometimes be perceived as a commitment to quality, potentially affecting brand image and customer trust.

However, it’s important to note that native development typically requires more time and resources, as separate codebases are needed for each platform. On the other hand, hybrid apps can be more cost-effective and quicker to develop, especially for simpler applications or when targeting multiple platforms simultaneously. 

The choice between native and hybrid development depends on various factors, including the app’s intended purpose, target audience, desired functionality, and budget.

5. What is the downside of hybrids?

Hybrid apps, while beneficial for certain development scenarios, have some downsides:

  • Performance Limitations: Hybrid apps can perform less than native apps, particularly for graphically intensive or resource-demanding tasks. This is due to the additional layer between the source code and the device’s hardware.
  • User Experience: Achieving a native-like user experience can be challenging. Hybrids may not seamlessly match the look and feel of each operating system, potentially leading to a less intuitive interface.
  • Device Feature Access: Hybrid apps have limited access to device-specific features and capabilities. While modern frameworks have bridged this gap to some extent, they still can’t fully utilize all native functionalities.
  • Dependency on Frameworks and Tools: They rely heavily on third-party frameworks like Cordova or Ionic. Changes or updates in these platforms can impact the app’s functionality or require significant modifications.
  • Complex Debugging and Testing: Testing and debugging can be more complex, as developers must ensure compatibility across multiple platforms and deal with web and native components.
  • Slower Updates and Fixes: Dependence on a third-party framework can delay implementing new OS features or fix platform-specific issues, as developers must wait for the framework to support these changes.
  • Market Perception: In some cases, hybrid apps might be perceived as less premium compared to native apps, which can impact user adoption and engagement, especially in markets where high performance and a polished user experience are crucial.

Despite these drawbacks, hybrid apps are popular for many developers and companies due to their cross-platform compatibility and reduced development time and costs. They are often well-suited for simpler applications or when rapid development and deployment across multiple platforms are priorities.

6. Why are hybrid apps slower than native apps?

Hybrid apps are often slower than native apps due to several technical reasons:

  • Additional Layer: Hybrid apps work with an additional layer – the webview- a browser within the app. This extra layer translates the web code into native elements, which adds a step in processing and can lead to slower performance compared to native apps that directly communicate with the device’s hardware.
  • Web Technologies: Hybrid apps are primarily built using web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. While these technologies are versatile, they are generally slower than native code (Swift for iOS, Kotlin/Java for Android), which is compiled and optimized for the specific platform.
  • Hardware Utilization: Native apps can directly access the device’s hardware, like the GPU and CPU, optimizing performance, especially for resource-intensive tasks. Hybrid apps have limited access and may not fully leverage the device’s hardware capabilities, impacting their speed and responsiveness.
  • Graphical Applications and Animations: For applications that require intensive graphics or complex animations, native apps perform better. The hybrid apps might not render such elements as smoothly due to the reliance on web technologies and the additional layer.
  • Memory and Resource Management: Native development tools provide more efficient control over aspects like memory usage and resource allocation, which is crucial for maintaining high performance. Hybrid apps may not manage resources effectively, leading to slower performance, especially in resource-constrained environments.
  • Optimization and Direct API Access: Native apps have direct access to APIs and platform-specific features, allowing developers to optimize performance for each platform. On the other hand, hybrid apps rely on plugins and third-party tools to access these APIs, which can introduce delays.

Despite these factors, it’s important to note that the performance gap between hybrid and native apps has been narrowing with advancements in hybrid app frameworks and web technologies. Hybrid apps offer a viable and cost-effective solution for many applications, especially those not requiring high-level graphics or complex animations.

7. Are hybrid apps faster than web apps?

Yes, hybrid apps are generally faster than traditional web apps for several reasons:

  • Local Resources: Hybrid apps store their files locally on the device, which means they can load and operate faster than web apps that require fetching resources from a server over a network connection. This local storage leads to quicker start-up times and faster access to assets like images and stylesheets.
  • Optimized Performance: Many hybrid app frameworks optimize performance using native containers that can leverage certain device features and processing power more efficiently than a web browser.
  • Offline Capability: Hybrid apps can function offline or with limited internet connectivity by utilizing locally stored data and resources, which is not typically possible with traditional web apps that rely heavily on server-side processing and data retrieval.
  • Browser Independence: Unlike web apps that run in a web browser and are subject to the performance constraints of that browser, hybrid apps run in a WebView – a simplified browser within the app. This allows for more control over performance and can lead to smoother experiences, especially for content-heavy applications.
  • Caching Mechanisms: Hybrid apps can implement advanced caching strategies, allowing them to store data efficiently and reduce loading times, something that web apps may not handle as effectively.

However, it’s important to note that while hybrid apps generally offer better performance than web apps, they might still fall short of the speed and responsiveness of native apps, especially for more complex or resource-intensive tasks. The choice between a hybrid app and a web app ultimately depends on the specific requirements and constraints of the project, including desired performance levels, functionality, and user experience.

Hybrid App Development: Technical Aspects and Cost Considerations

1. Which language is best for hybrid app development?

The best language for hybrid app development typically depends on the framework being used. The most common languages are JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. JavaScript is central to most hybrid app development frameworks like React Native, Ionic, and Xamarin, as it enables developers to write a single codebase for multiple platforms. HTML and CSS are used to design the user interface. 

When combined with frameworks, these languages provide a powerful toolset for creating versatile and efficient hybrid apps. The choice of language and framework often depends on the specific requirements of the app, such as its complexity, desired features, and the target audience’s platform preferences.

2. Which of the following technologies can be used to build hybrid apps?

Several technologies and frameworks are specifically designed for building hybrid apps. 

These include:

  • React Native: Developed by Facebook, React Native allows you to build mobile apps using JavaScript and React. It uniquely bridges the gap between web UI and native platform UI elements.
  • Ionic: Using HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript, Ionic helps build hybrid apps. It’s often used in combination with AngularJS, allowing for a robust development experience.
  • Flutter: Developed by Google, Flutter is a UI toolkit for building natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase using the Dart language. It’s known for its high performance and expressive UIs.
  • Xamarin: A Microsoft-owned framework, Xamarin uses C# to develop apps that can run on multiple platforms. It allows code sharing across platforms and still has a native user interface.
  • Cordova/PhoneGap: Cordova, also known as PhoneGap, is a mobile application development framework originally created by Nitobi. Adobe Systems purchased Nitobi in 2011, rebranded it as PhoneGap, and later released an open-source version of the software called Apache Cordova. It allows you to use standard web technologies – HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript for cross-platform development.
  • Framework7: A lesser-known but powerful framework, Framework7 is a full-featured HTML framework for building iOS and Android apps. It’s tailored for web developers who want to be involved in mobile app development.

These technologies enable developers to create hybrid apps running on multiple platforms while sharing most of the code, reducing development time and cost. The choice of technology often depends on the project’s specific requirements, the development team’s familiarity with the language, and the desired features and performance of the final app.

3. How do I know if my app is hybrid or native?

Determining whether an app is hybrid or native can be done by considering several factors:

  • Performance and Responsiveness: Native apps usually offer smoother performance and faster response times, especially for graphic-intensive tasks or animations. If an app feels exceptionally responsive and seamlessly integrated with the device’s hardware (like camera, GPS, etc.), it’s likely native.
  • User Interface Consistency: Native apps typically adhere closely to the design guidelines of their respective platforms (iOS or Android). If the app’s design elements and user interactions match those commonly seen in other apps on the platform, it’s likely native.
  • Functionality and Feature Access: If the app integrates deeply with the device’s features (like advanced gestures, seamless background processing, or use of the latest device-specific features), it’s probably a native app.
  • Installation Process: If you downloaded the app from the App Store or Google Play Store, it doesn’t directly indicate if it’s native or hybrid, as both types can be distributed this way. However, if you access the app through a web browser, it’s either a web or hybrid app.
  • App Store Description or Developer Information: Sometimes, the app’s description in the store or the developer’s website mentions the technology used. This can be a direct indication.
  • File Structure and Size: Native apps generally have larger file sizes and more complex file structures due to the inclusion of platform-specific code and resources.
  • Development Information: If you’re part of the organization that developed the app, you can check the development tools and languages used. Native apps are typically developed with Swift or Objective-C for iOS and Java or Kotlin for Android. Hybrid apps often use web technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and a wrapper like Cordova or Ionic.
  • Load Times and Updates: Hybrid apps might have slightly longer load times and may require an active internet connection for some functionalities. Also, updates in hybrid apps might simultaneously change features across multiple platforms.
  • Offline Capabilities: Native apps tend to have better offline capabilities compared to hybrid apps, especially in storing large amounts of data and processing it effectively.

4. How do you tell if an app is native or hybrid iOS?

Determining whether an iOS app is native or hybrid can be challenging, especially if the app is well-designed. 

However, there are a few indicators that can help you make an educated guess:

  • User Interface and Experience: Native iOS apps usually have a distinct look and feel that aligns closely with Apple’s design guidelines. If an app fits seamlessly with the overall iOS ecosystem in terms of design, animations, and gestures, it’s likely native. While hybrid apps can closely mimic this style, they might have slight differences in UI elements or transitions.
  • Performance and Responsiveness: Native apps typically offer superior performance and responsiveness, especially in areas like scrolling, animations, and complex interactions. If an app responds quickly to inputs and has smooth transitions, it’s likely native. Hybrid apps might exhibit slight delays or less fluid animations.
  • Functionality and Features: Native apps can access and leverage all of the device’s features and capabilities, such as the camera, GPS, accelerometer, and more. If an app uses these features extensively and works seamlessly, it is likely native. Hybrid apps can access some of these features, but the integration might not be as deep.
  • Installation and Updates: Observing how an app is installed and updated can provide clues. Native iOS apps are downloaded and updated through the App Store, and they often receive updates that coincide with iOS updates. Hybrid apps also use the App Store, but they might retrieve content updates from the web.
  • Offline Capability: Native apps tend to have more robust offline capabilities, storing significant amounts of data locally and handling offline states more smoothly. If an app functions well without an internet connection, it might be native.
  • Developer and App Information: Sometimes, the app’s description in the App Store or the developer’s website mentions the technology used. Developers of native apps often proudly state their use of Apple’s technologies.
  • Loading Time and Internet Dependency: Hybrid apps may have longer loading times since they might need to load web content. It might be hybrid if an app takes noticeably longer to start up or requires an internet connection for most of its functions.

5. How do you test hybrid apps?

Testing hybrid apps involves a combination of strategies used for both web and native app testing due to their dual nature. 

Here’s an overview of the process:

  • Functional Testing: This ensures that the app functions as expected on different devices and platforms. Test scripts are written to validate the app’s features, workflows, and user interactions.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility Testing: Since hybrid apps are designed to work across multiple platforms, testing them on various devices and operating systems (iOS, Android) is crucial to ensure consistent behavior and appearance.
  • UI/UX Testing: This involves checking the user interface and user experience for consistency with design specifications. Although hybrid apps use web technologies, they should still offer a native-like experience on each platform.
  • Performance Testing: This tests how the app performs under different conditions, including varying network speeds, high user load, and devices with different hardware specifications. It’s important to ensure that the app remains responsive and stable.
  • Security Testing: As with any app, security is a critical aspect. This includes testing for data protection, secure communication, and authentication mechanisms.
  • Offline Functionality Testing: Since hybrid apps can offer offline capabilities, it’s important to test how the app behaves when there is no internet connection, including how it handles data synchronization once the connection is restored.
  • Integration Testing: This checks the integration points of the app, especially if it interacts with device features like the camera, GPS, or local storage.
  • Automated Testing: Automation tools can be used to execute repetitive and extensive tests, especially for larger projects. Frameworks like Appium or Selenium can automate tests across different platforms and devices.
  • Manual Testing: Human testers also play a crucial role in assessing the app’s usability and identifying issues that automated tests might miss.
  • Browser Testing: Since hybrid apps are partly web-based, testing them in different web browsers is important to ensure that web views function correctly.

Debugging and Error Logging: Effective debugging mechanisms should be in place to identify and fix issues. Logging errors and crashes during testing can help diagnose and resolve problems.

6. How much does a hybrid app cost?

Estimating the cost of a hybrid app can vary widely based on several factors, including the app’s complexity, the features required, the design’s sophistication, and the geographical location of the development team. Generally, hybrid apps can be more cost-effective than native apps because they use a single codebase for multiple platforms, reducing development time and resources.

For a basic hybrid app with minimal features, costs might start from a few thousand dollars. However, for more complex apps with advanced features, such as integration with existing systems, sophisticated user interfaces, or complex backend structures, the cost can range from $50K to $100K

It’s important to note that additional costs may include ongoing maintenance, updates, and potentially higher expenses for more experienced or geographically-based development teams. As with any software project, a detailed requirement analysis is essential for a more accurate cost estimation.

7. How much does a native vs hybrid app cost?

The cost of developing a native app versus a hybrid app can vary significantly based on several factors, including app complexity, required features, development resources, and the geographic location of the development team. 

However, there are general trends in how costs compare between the two approaches:


Native App Development Costs

  • Higher Initial Development Costs: Native apps require separate development for each platform (iOS, Android), which means essentially building two different applications if you’re targeting both platforms. This requires more development hours and potentially hiring separate teams skilled in each platform’s languages and tools.
  • Long-term Maintenance: Maintaining and updating the app across multiple platforms can be more resource-intensive.
  • Complex Features: The cost can increase further if the app requires advanced functionality, particularly features that heavily rely on device hardware.


Hybrid App Development Costs

  • Lower Initial Development Costs: Hybrid apps use a single codebase to deploy across multiple platforms. This can significantly reduce initial development costs as you build one app.
  • Easier Maintenance and Updates: Updating and maintaining hybrid apps can be simpler and less costly, as changes must only be made once in the common codebase.
  • Limitations on Complexity: While hybrid apps are improving in capabilities, there may be limitations on what can be achieved compared to native apps, especially for very complex features.


Cost Estimates

Hybrid app development can cost from $50K to $150K, whereas native development could cost from $100K to 300K.

While hybrid apps generally offer a more cost-effective solution for simpler, less feature-intensive apps, native apps, despite their higher cost, are better suited for applications requiring high performance, a superior user experience, and deep integration with device hardware and software.

Best Cross-Platform Mobile Development Tools in 2024

In 2024, cross-platform mobile development has emerged as a key strategy for businesses and developers aiming to maximize their reach and efficiency. With smartphones and tablets becoming increasingly central to our daily lives, the ability to create versatile, efficient, and engaging mobile applications is more crucial than ever. 

Cross-platform mobile development tools are revolutionizing the way mobile applications are developed, offering solutions that blend the benefits of broad accessibility with cost-effectiveness. According to Statista, there are 4.74 billion smartphone users as of 2024. This statistic shows the important role of cross-platform app development, which stands as a strategic solution in this tech-driven era.

Number of smartphone users worldwide from 2013 to 2028. (Statista

The Most Popular Operating Systems in 2024

Operating systems are the backbone of our digital experiences, providing the crucial interface between users and their devices. They facilitate the running of applications, manage hardware resources, and execute vital system-level tasks. 

Android and iOS are the two leading operating systems for mobile devices worldwide in 2024. The choice of an operating system significantly impacts user experience and productivity, making it a key consideration for businesses and developers. In today’s diverse market, understanding user demographics and preferences is essential.

App developers aiming to engage a substantial user base must know the operating systems used by their target audience. According to Statcounter, a real-time web analytics service shows that as of January 2024, Android holds a dominant market share of 70.28%, while iOS accounts for 28.99%.

Mobile Operating System Market Share Worldwide (Dec 2022 – Dec 2023) – Statcounter

According to Statista, 87% of software developers working with mobile development work on Android applications, while only 60% work on applications for Apple’s iOS. This statistic shows clear insight into the current global preferences and trends in mobile device usage. These statistics represent the preferences and accessibility of millions of users worldwide.

Mobile operating system most popular with developers.

Which mobile operating system do you develop for? (Statista

The preference for Android development can be attributed to its vast market share, open ecosystem, and flexibility in development and deployment. However, the significant proportion of developers working on iOS applications must be noticed, as it speaks to the platform’s high income and engaged user base, often associated with higher revenue potential per user.

The number of mobile apps available in leading app stores in 2024 are as follows:

  • Google Play: 2,870,000 apps
  • Apple Store: 1,960,000 apps
  • Windows Store: 669,000 apps
  • Amazon Appstore: 450,000 apps

Despite the challenges many businesses face in 2024, the mobile app market has continued to thrive. To maximize your impact in the mobile application market, targeting both Android and iOS users is important. There are two effective strategies to achieve this: native development and cross-platform development tools.

Cross-Platform vs Native Development

In mobile app development, choosing between cross-platform and native development is a critical decision. Each approach has distinct advantages and drawbacks that can significantly influence the success of an app. Understanding these differences is key to selecting your project’s development strategy.

Cross-platform development involves creating a single app that runs on multiple operating systems, like iOS and Android. This approach is highly valued for its efficiency and broader reach. 

On the other hand, native development involves building separate apps for each operating system, utilizing platform-specific programming languages and tools. This method is known for delivering high performance and a superior user experience but requires more resources.

Pros and Cons of Cross-Platform Mobile Development


  1. Cost-Effectiveness: Cross-platform development reduces overall costs by eliminating the need to build separate apps for each platform.
  2. Faster Development: Writing a single codebase for all platforms accelerates the development process, enabling quicker market entry.
  3. Easier Maintenance: Updating and maintaining one codebase is simpler and more efficient than managing multiple native apps.
  4. Broader Reach: Cross-platform apps can attract a wider audience as they are accessible on multiple operating systems.


  1. Performance Issues: These apps may not perform as efficiently as native apps, especially in handling complex tasks or graphics.
  2. Limited Access to Device Features: Cross-platform tools might not support all native device features, potentially leading to a less enriched user experience.

Inconsistencies in UI/UX: Achieving a uniform user experience across different platforms can be challenging.

Pros and Cons of Native Development


  1. Optimized Performance: Native apps are specifically designed for their platform, resulting in faster and more responsive performance.
  2. Better User Experience: Leveraging platform-specific UI/UX standards, native apps offer a more intuitive and engaging experience.
  3. Full Access to Device Capabilities: Native development allows full utilization of the device’s hardware and software features, like GPS, camera, and gestures.


  1. Higher Cost: Developing separate apps for each platform can significantly increase the development and maintenance costs.
  2. Longer Development Time: Building and testing apps for each platform individually requires more time, delaying the product’s launch.

Complex Maintenance: Updating and maintaining multiple codebases can be resource-intensive and time-consuming.

Which Cross-Platform Mobile Development Tool is Right for you?

Selecting the right cross-platform mobile development tools is an important decision that can significantly impact the success and efficiency of your app development process. 

Below are key factors to consider when selecting a cross-platform mobile development tool:


1. Reliability

The reliability of a development tool is important. This encompasses the tool’s stability, consistent performance, and its ability to deliver error-free operation over time. A reliable tool minimizes the risk of crashes and bugs, which can otherwise lead to a poor user experience and increased development time. Assessing the track record of a tool, reading user reviews, and understanding its update history can give insights into its reliability.


2. Budget

Budget considerations are crucial in the selection process. This includes the initial costs of licensing and acquisition and the long-term costs associated with development, maintenance, and updates. 

Some tools may offer free versions but come with limitations or require payment for additional features. Evaluating the total cost of ownership and how it aligns with your budget constraints is important.


3. Support of Tools

The level of support provided by the tool’s developers and its user community can greatly influence your development experience. A tool with robust support means easier troubleshooting, access to a wealth of knowledge, and potentially quicker resolution of issues. 

Tools like React Native, Ionic, and Flutter boast large support communities, comprehensive documentation, and dedicated websites to assist developers with complex projects. This means you will have resources available to troubleshoot any issues that arise during development. 


4. Compatibility and Performance

A critical factor is how well a tool performs across different platforms and devices. The goal is to ensure that your app provides a consistent and smooth user experience, irrespective of the device or operating system. 

A suitable tool should offer high compatibility with various platforms and devices, ensuring that your app works well everywhere. Performance is also crucial; the tool should enable fast, responsive, and efficient development of apps. Testing the tool across various devices and platforms during the trial phase can give a clear picture of its compatibility and performance capabilities.


5. Scalability

Finally, consider the scalability of the tool. As your app grows in terms of user base or functionality, the development tool should be able to scale accordingly. This involves supporting additional features, handling increased user traffic, and integrating with other tools or services. Scalability ensures that your chosen development tool can continue to meet its changing demands as your app evolves without necessitating a switch to a new platform.

Best Cross-Platform Mobile Development Tools in 2024

1. React Native

React Native, developed by Facebook (now Meta), is a leading name in cross-platform mobile development tools. It allows developers to build mobile apps using JavaScript and React, offering a unique blend of native performance and the efficiency of web technology.

Key Features

  • Native Components: React Native uses native components under the hood, providing a look and feel indistinguishable from apps built with native (software development kits) SDKs.
  • Hot Reloading: This feature speeds up development by refreshing the UI instantly upon code changes without a full app reload.
  • Vast Community and Ecosystem: One of the most popular frameworks, it boasts extensive community support, numerous libraries, and ready-to-use components.
  • JavaScript and React: Leverages the widely-used JavaScript language and the powerful React library, making it accessible to many developers.


2024 Updates



  • Code Reusability and Efficiency: React Native allows developers to use the same codebase for iOS and Android, significantly reducing development time and effort.
  • Strong Community Support: With backing from Facebook and a large community of developers, React Native offers extensive resources, libraries, and tools, making it easier for developers to find solutions to common problems.
  • Live and Hot Reloading: This feature enhances the development experience by allowing developers to see the latest changes immediately without rebuilding the app.
  • Native Performance: React Native apps are compiled into natively written code, which helps in achieving performance close to native apps.
  • Responsive UI: The framework is designed to provide a smooth and responsive user interface, improving the overall user experience.



  • Native Code Requirements: For some advanced features, developers may need to write native code, which requires knowledge of Java for Android and Objective-C or Swift for iOS.
  • Complex UI/UX Design: Creating complex user interfaces or animations can be more challenging in React Native compared to native development.
  • Memory Management: React Native has been known to face memory management issues, particularly with large applications or those requiring intensive computation.


Debugging Issues: While the tooling and debugging capabilities have improved, some developers still find debugging in React Native less straightforward than in native environments.

2. Flutter

Flutter, developed by Google, is another prominent framework in cross-platform mobile development. Its unique approach to building mobile applications using the Dart programming language has gained popularity. Known for its fast and flexible development process, Flutter allows the creation of visually attractive and natively compiled mobile, web, and desktop applications from a single codebase.

Key Features


  • Widget-Based Framework: Flutter’s rich set of customizable widgets provides a high level of control over the UI, enabling the creation of visually stunning apps.
  • Dart Language: It uses Dart, a language optimized for building UIs with a focus on development speed and fluid user experiences.
  • Hot Reload: This feature significantly speeds up the development cycle by allowing immediate viewing of changes in the code.
  • Skia Graphics Engine: The underlying graphics engine renders the UI, resulting in visually appealing and smooth animations.


2024 Updates



  • High Performance: Flutter apps are compiled to native ARM code, ensuring optimal performance on iOS and Android platforms.
  • Expressive and Flexible UI: The wide range of widgets and customization options make creating aesthetically pleasing and intuitive user interfaces easier.
  • Single Codebase: Similar to React Native, Flutter enables developers to maintain a single codebase for both iOS and Android, enhancing efficiency.
  • Strong Community and Resources: Supported by Google, Flutter has a rapidly growing community and a wealth of resources for developers.



  • Dart Language Familiarity: Developers may need to learn Dart, which is less common than languages like JavaScript.
  • Larger App Size: Flutter apps tend to be larger in size compared to those built with other frameworks, which might be a concern for some applications.
  • Limited Third-Party Libraries: While the number is growing, Flutter’s ecosystem of third-party libraries is not as extensive as some other frameworks, potentially leading to more custom development.
  • Younger Framework: Being relatively new compared to other frameworks, Flutter is still evolving, which may pose challenges in maturity and stability.

3. Ionic

Ionic stands out as an important tool in cross-platform mobile development tools. It’s particularly known for enabling web developers to create effective and high-quality mobile and desktop applications using familiar web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Key Features


  • Web Technologies: Ionic leverages web technologies, making it an accessible choice for developers proficient in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • UI Component Library: Offers a comprehensive library of optimized, pre-made UI components that adapt to different platforms, ensuring a native look and feel.
  • Capacitor: Ionic’s native runtime layer, Capacitor, allows access to native device features across iOS, Android, and the web using a single codebase.
  • Integration with Angular, React, and Vue: Ionic works seamlessly with popular frameworks/libraries, offering flexibility in choosing the preferred development approach.


2024 Updates

  • Improved performance and efficiency, reducing load times and enhancing user experience.
  • Enhanced suite of native plugins, offering more functionality and integration options with native device features.
  • Upgraded tooling and development experience, better supporting modern web frameworks and technologies.



  • Ease of Use for Web Developers: Ionic is highly accessible for developers with a background in web development, allowing for a smooth transition to mobile app development.
  • Wide Range of Plugins: Ionic offers many plugins, enabling access to many native device features.
  • Strong Community Support: As a popular framework, Ionic has a robust community and a wealth of learning resources.
  • Cross-Platform Efficiency: Developers can write one codebase for multiple platforms, significantly reducing development time.



  • Performance Constraints: Ionic apps, being essentially web apps in a native container, may not perform as well as native apps, especially in terms of animation and complex UI interactions.
  • Dependence on Plugins: Access to native device features relies heavily on plugins, which can vary in quality and support.
  • Limited Native Look and Feel: While Ionic tries to mimic native UI elements, the look and feel might not be as seamless as with frameworks like React Native or Flutter.

4. Node.js

Node.js is a powerful and versatile platform often associated with server-side development. However, its use in cross-platform mobile app development is increasingly being recognized. 

Node.js, built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine, enables developers to use JavaScript for server-side scripting—running scripts server-side to produce dynamic web page content before the page is sent to the user’s web browser.

Key Features

  • JavaScript Everywhere: Utilizing JavaScript for both client and server-side development streamlines the development process and reduces the learning curve for web developers moving into mobile app development.
  • Asynchronous and Event-Driven: Node.js uses non-blocking, event-driven architecture, making it suitable for building scalable and efficient applications.
  • NPM (Node Package Manager): A vast repository of libraries and tools available through NPM enhances functionality and accelerates development.
  • Cross-Platform Development Tools: Tools like Electron and NW.js, built on Node.js, allow for creating native-like desktop and mobile applications using web technologies.


2024 Updates

  • Performance optimizations, particularly in handling concurrent processes and I/O operations.
  • Enhanced security features and better support for modern JavaScript syntax and features.
  • Improved integration with front-end frameworks and libraries, facilitating a more seamless development experience for full-stack JavaScript development.



  • Strong Performance for Backend Operations: Node.js is optimized for performance, particularly in handling simultaneous connections and backend processes.
  • Extensive Package Ecosystem: The Node Package Manager (npm) provides a vast array of libraries and tools that can be used in mobile app development.
  • Unified JavaScript Development: Node.js allows developers to use JavaScript both on the server and client sides, promoting code reusability and efficient development practices.
  • Large Developer Community: Node.js has a robust and active community, offering resources, support, and continuous updates.



  • Not Specifically Tailored for Mobile Development: Node.js is not a dedicated mobile development platform, so it might require additional frameworks and tools for building mobile applications.
  • Learning Curve: There can be a learning curve for developers unfamiliar with JavaScript and asynchronous programming.
  • Resource Intensive: Node.js applications can be resource-intensive, which might impact the performance of mobile applications, especially on less powerful devices.

5. Xamarin

Xamarin, a Microsoft-owned framework, has established itself as a robust cross-platform mobile application development framework. It allows developers to use .NET and C# to build Android, iOS, and Windows apps, offering a blend of productivity and native performance.

Key Features

  • .NET and C# for Mobile Development: Xamarin utilizes .NET and C# for building mobile applications, making it a preferred choice for developers familiar with the Microsoft ecosystem.
  • Native Performance: Apps built with Xamarin can achieve native performance levels thanks to its ability to directly access native APIs and functionality on each platform.
  • Shared Codebase: A large portion of the code (up to 90%) can be shared across platforms, significantly reducing development time and effort.
  • Visual Studio Integration: Xamarin seamlessly integrates with Visual Studio, Microsoft’s IDE, offering a rich development environment with sophisticated tools and features.


2024 Updates

  • Enhanced performance and reduced application size, making Xamarin apps more efficient and responsive.
  • Improved tooling and debugging capabilities within Visual Studio, streamlining the development and testing process.
  • Stronger support for the latest iOS and Android features, ensuring Xamarin apps are up-to-date with new platform capabilities.



  • Native Performance and Look: Xamarin applications are compiled into native code, which means they can achieve performance and look that are nearly indistinguishable from apps developed using native SDKs.
  • Strong Microsoft Support: Being part of the Microsoft ecosystem, Xamarin benefits from strong support, regular updates, and seamless integration with other Microsoft tools and services.
  • Large Developer Community: Xamarin has a large and active developer community that provides resources, support, and plugins.
  • C# Language Advantage: For developers familiar with C#, Xamarin provides an efficient path to mobile development without learning new programming languages.



  • Larger App Size: Xamarin apps tend to be larger due to how code is bundled and the need for mono runtime for Android and iOS.
  • Platform-Specific Code: While Xamarin allows for significant code sharing, some platform-specific code is still necessary, especially for complex UI elements or advanced platform-specific features.
  • Learning Curve for .NET and C#: Developers unfamiliar with the .NET framework and C# may face a learning curve.

Main Takeaway

Each tool we’ve discussed in this article offers unique strengths and poses different challenges. The choice of the right cross-platform mobile development tool depends largely on your project requirements, team expertise, budget constraints, and the specific goals of your mobile application.

React Native and Flutter are excellent choices for developers seeking a balance between performance and ease of use, with strong community support. Ionic and Node.js cater well to those with a background in web development, offering a smooth transition to mobile app development. While Xamarin is a robust option for those proficient in C# and the .NET framework.

As the mobile app market continues to evolve, staying informed about the latest developments in cross-platform tools is crucial. The right cross-platform mobile development tool can make the development process more efficient and significantly enhance the quality and reach of your final product.

Ultimately, the goal is to create mobile applications that deliver exceptional user experiences, reach a wider audience, and align with your business objectives. The world of cross-platform mobile development offers a range of tools to help you achieve these goals, making it an exciting time to be in the field of mobile app development.


1. How Much Does App Development Cost?

The cost of app development can vary widely based on several factors, such as the complexity of the app, the platform(s) it is being developed for (iOS, Android, or both), the geographic location of the development team, and the level of expertise of the developers. 

Simple apps can cost anywhere from $10K to $50K to develop, while more complex applications, especially those requiring backend server development or integration with third-party services, can cost $100K or more. The choice of development approach (native, cross-platform, hybrid) also significantly determines the cost.

2. What is the Best Mobile App Development Platform?

The best mobile app development platform depends on your specific project needs, target audience, and development capabilities. Platforms like React Native and Flutter are popular for their ability to create cross-platform apps with a single codebase. 

For native app development, Apple’s iOS platform (Swift or Objective-C) and Google’s Android platform (Kotlin or Java) are top choices. The decision should be based on factors like the intended audience, desired app features, performance requirements, and developer expertise.

3. What are the Best Mobile and App Development tools?

The best mobile and app development tools as of 2024 include:

  • React Native: Ideal for developers familiar with JavaScript, offering a mix of performance and development efficiency.
  • Flutter: Known for its rich set of pre-designed widgets and high-performance apps.
  • Ionic: Great for web developers due to its HTML, CSS, and JavaScript use.
  • Node.js: Useful for backend development and its extensive package ecosystem.
  • Xamarin: A robust option for those proficient in C# and .NET, providing native-like app performance.

The choice of tool should align with your project requirements, your team’s skill set, and the specific features you want to implement in your app.

Salesforce vs Odoo: Why Businesses Are Transitioning to Salesforce in 2024

Salesforce vs Odoo

In today’s world of business technology, choosing the right Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solutions has become important. These platforms are the backbone of modern business operations, influencing everything from customer interactions to internal process efficiencies.

As we are in the year 2024, businesses increasingly recognize the need for robust, scalable, and future-proof enterprise solutions. This is where the critical decision of choosing the right platform becomes important.

This article offers a comprehensive comparison of Salesforce and ODOO, exploring their features, scalability, customer-centricity, and more. We aim to guide businesses in making an informed decision about whether 2024 is the right time to transition from ODOO to Salesforce for enhanced performance and success.

Why Salesforce?

Salesforce is a global leader in customer relationship management (CRM) solutions, recognized for its powerful cloud-based platform that caters to a diverse range of business sizes and types. Known for its extensive capabilities in managing customer interactions, Salesforce has revolutionized how businesses approach sales, service, marketing, and more.

Salesforce Features

  1. Sales Cloud: Optimizes sales processes and productivity, offering tools for managing leads, opportunities, sales forecasting, and performance metrics.
  2. Cloud-Based Platform: Offers flexibility and accessibility, making it easy to use and customize from anywhere.
  3. Marketing Cloud: Delivers personalized marketing experiences, integrating email, social media, and digital advertising campaigns.
  4. Salesforce Einstein: Provides AI-driven insights and analytics for predictive forecasting, customer behavior analysis, and automated recommendations.
  5. AppExchange: A comprehensive marketplace for third-party applications, extending Salesforce functionalities across various business needs.
  6. Customer 360: Provides a comprehensive view of the customer, integrating sales, service, marketing, and commerce.
  7. Scalability: Ideal for businesses of all sizes, Salesforce grows with your company, handling increased demands effortlessly.

Target Audience

  • Versatile for Various Industries: Salesforce is designed to cater to various industries. It’s particularly popular in sectors like technology, healthcare, finance, and retail, demonstrating its flexibility.
  • Ideal for Growth and Change: The platform is well-suited for businesses looking for a robust and scalable CRM solution. It’s especially beneficial for organizations anticipating rapid growth and needing a system that can adapt efficiently to changing market dynamics.

Salesforce stands out for its comprehensive approach to customer relationships, providing businesses with the tools needed to deliver personalized experiences and foster long-term customer loyalty.

Salesforce Pricing

Salesforce offers several pricing plans for their Sales Cloud product:


  1. Starter Suite: Priced at $25 per user per month, offering a simple CRM suite with marketing, sales, and service features.
  2. Professional: Available at $80 per user per month, this plan focuses on CRM for sales.
  3. Enterprise: Priced at $165 per user per month, it provides more flexibility and a web API.
  4. Unlimited: Priced at $330 per user per month, it includes a full suite of AI, automation, and developer support.
  5. Unlimited+: Priced at $500 per user per month, offering the best of Salesforce for Sales.

For more detailed information on the features and specifics of each plan, you can visit Salesforce Sales Pricing.

What is ODOO?

ODOO, formerly known as OpenERP, is a suite of open-source business applications designed to meet the diverse needs of companies regardless of their size or budget. Since its inception in 2005, ODOO has evolved from pure ERP software into a more comprehensive suite that includes CRM, e-commerce, billing, accounting, manufacturing, warehouse, project management, and inventory management functionalities.

Key Features

  • Modularity: One of ODOO’s standout features is its highly modular framework, allowing businesses to select and combine applications like CRM, eCommerce, accounting, inventory, and more, according to their specific needs.
  • Customization: Due to its open-source nature, ODOO offers extensive customization options. Businesses can tailor the software to their unique processes and workflows.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Particularly attractive to smaller businesses, ODOO’s open-source model can lead to a lower total cost of ownership compared to other enterprise solutions.
  • User-Friendly Interface: ODOO provides a straightforward, user-friendly interface, making it accessible for users with varying levels of technical expertise.

ODOO has consistently focused on innovation and adaptability throughout its history, making it a versatile choice for businesses looking to digitize and streamline their operations. With a commitment to open-source principles and a user-centric development approach, ODOO has established itself as a reliable and accessible ERP and CRM solution in the global market.

ODOO Pricing

Odoo offers three main pricing plans:

  1. One App Free: $0 for one app only with unlimited users under Odoo Online.
  2. Standard: $7.25 per user per month, including all apps under Odoo Online.
  3. Custom: $10.90 per user per month, includes all apps options for Odoo Online, Odoo.sh, On-premise, Odoo Studio, Multi-Company, and External API.

For more detailed information on the features and specifics of each plan, visit Odoo’s Pricing Page.

Salesforce vs ODOO Comparison for 2024

ODOO has been a popular choice for small to medium-sized enterprises, offering a comprehensive suite of business applications. On the other hand, Salesforce has positioned itself as a global leader in customer relationship management (CRM), providing a scalable and versatile platform for businesses of all sizes. 


1. Scalability and Flexibility

  • Salesforce: Designed with scalability at its core, Salesforce excels in adapting to business growth. Its cloud-based architecture allows for seamless expansion, accommodating increasing data volumes and more complex business processes without compromising performance.
  • ODOO: Known for its modularity, ODOO offers a flexible environment where businesses can add or modify functionalities as they grow. However, its scalability, while robust, may have limitations when handling large-scale operations or complex business structures.

2. Advanced Analytics and AI Capabilities

  • Salesforce: Salesforce stands out with its advanced AI capabilities, particularly through Einstein Analytics. This AI-driven technology offers deep insights, predictive analytics, and automated recommendations, enabling businesses to make more informed, data-driven decisions.
  • ODOO: ODOO provides basic analytics and reporting tools, which are adequate for small to medium-sized businesses. However, it may not offer the advanced analytics and AI integration needed for in-depth data analysis and predictive insights.

3. Ecosystem Integration

  • Salesforce: Salesforce boasts an extensive ecosystem with its AppExchange marketplace, offering a wide array of pre-built integrations with numerous third-party applications. This rich ecosystem facilitates seamless integration with various tools, enhancing overall business efficiency and connectivity.
  • ODOO: ODOO’s open-source nature allows for significant integration capabilities, enabling the addition of various custom modules. Its ecosystem, while expansive, can sometimes require more technical expertise to navigate and integrate with other systems effectively.

4. Customer-Centric Approach

  • Salesforce: Salesforce is renowned for its focus on customer-centricity. The platform is designed to foster personalized customer experiences with features like Customer 360, which provides a comprehensive view of customer interactions across various channels, enabling businesses to engage more effectively and build stronger relationships.
  • ODOO: While ODOO offers various tools for customer relationship management, its approach requires more customization to achieve a deeply customer-centric strategy. It provides a strong foundation but may need additional tailoring to align with specific customer engagement goals.

5. Innovation and Future-Proofing

  • Salesforce: Salesforce consistently leads in innovation and future-proofing. With significant investments in research and development, Salesforce ensures its users benefit from the latest technologies, including AI and cloud-based solutions, thus positioning businesses for long-term success in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.
  • ODOO: ODOO’s open-source framework allows for innovation through community-driven development. However, keeping pace with rapid technological advancements can be challenging, requiring additional resources to stay current.

6. User Experience and Interface

  • Salesforce: Salesforce’s interface is highly polished, reflecting its status as a leading CRM platform. It provides a more dynamic user experience, enhanced by regular updates and features designed to improve usability. The interface, while robust, may have a steeper learning curve, but it offers greater functionality in the long run.
  • ODOO: ODOO’s interface is known for being straightforward and user-friendly, especially appealing to those new to ERP systems. It offers a clean and intuitive design, making navigation and task management relatively easy. However, extensive customization might affect this simplicity.

7. Customization and Adaptability

  • Salesforce: Salesforce also offers a high level of customization, especially through its robust development platform, Salesforce Lightning. It enables businesses to tailor the CRM to their unique needs and continuously adapt to changing market demands. Salesforce’s adaptability extends beyond customization, offering various integrations and app development opportunities.
  • ODOO: ODOO’s open-source nature stands out in its customization capabilities, allowing for extensive modifications to fit specific business processes. This adaptability makes it a go-to for businesses that require highly customized solutions. However, such customization can sometimes demand a significant investment in development resources.

8. Cost and ROI Analysis

  • Salesforce: Salesforce presents a higher upfront cost compared to ODOO; its comprehensive features and scalability can lead to a higher ROI for businesses, especially those experiencing rapid growth or requiring advanced CRM capabilities. The investment in Salesforce often translates into substantial long-term benefits regarding efficiency, customer satisfaction, and data insights.
  • ODOO: ODOO’s pricing is often perceived as more accessible, especially for smaller businesses, due to its open-source model and modular approach. The total cost can vary significantly based on the required customizations and add-ons. The ROI with ODOO largely depends on the extent of customization and the effective use of its modular system.

9. Support and Community

  • Salesforce: Salesforce is known for its extensive support services, including comprehensive documentation, user forums, and professional support options. The Salesforce community, known as the Trailblazer Community, is highly active, offering collaboration, networking, and learning resources. Salesforce also provides more structured support and training through its official channels.
  • ODOO: The support structure for ODOO largely comes from its active community. Being open-source, it has a vast network of developers and users who contribute to forums, offer troubleshooting advice, and share custom modules. Official support from ODOO is available but can vary depending on the service plan.

10. Security and Compliance

  • Salesforce: Salesforce is highly regarded for its robust security measures and compliance with international standards. It employs advanced security technologies to protect data and ensure privacy. Salesforce’s compliance with various regulations like GDPR makes it a reliable choice for businesses concerned about data security and compliance.
  • ODOO: ODOO, with its open-source framework, offers a basic level of security with the flexibility to enhance it through custom modules and third-party integrations. However, the responsibility for maintaining security standards largely falls on the users or developers customizing the system.

11. Implementation and Integration Complexity

  • Salesforce: Implementing Salesforce, especially for its advanced features, can be complex and often requires professional assistance. However, Salesforce provides extensive resources and a network of certified professionals to support the implementation process. Its standardized environment can simplify integration with existing systems.
  • ODOO: The implementation of ODOO, particularly its open-source version, can be complex, especially for organizations without technical expertise in-house. Customization and integration require a certain level of technical know-how. For businesses needing a tailored solution, the involvement of an ODOO partner or consultant might be necessary.

12. Mobile Accessibility and Performance

  • Salesforce: Known for its strong mobile platform, Salesforce Mobile App provides a comprehensive mobile experience, closely mirroring the desktop’s functionality. It’s designed for high performance and offers extensive features for on-the-go business management.
  • ODOO: Offers a mobile-friendly interface with apps that cover various business functions. While the mobile experience is generally good, it might not fully match the desktop version’s functionality, particularly for custom modules.

5 Reasons Why Businesses Are Transitioning to Salesforce in 2024

Businesses are increasingly considering a transition to Salesforce in 2024 for several key reasons:

  1. Advanced Technology Integration: Salesforce’s strong focus on integrating advanced technologies like AI and machine learning offers businesses cutting-edge tools for data analysis and customer relationship management.
  2. Scalability: Salesforce’s cloud-based infrastructure provides unparalleled scalability options, making it suitable for businesses of all sizes and allowing for seamless growth and expansion.
  3. Comprehensive CRM Solutions: Salesforce offers a more holistic and integrated approach to CRM, with a wide array of features and tools designed to enhance every aspect of customer relationship management.
  4. Robust Ecosystem: The Salesforce ecosystem, including its extensive AppExchange marketplace, provides businesses with various applications and integrations, enhancing operational efficiency and connectivity.
  5. Proactive Innovation: Salesforce’s commitment to innovation and staying ahead of industry trends positions it as a future-proof choice for businesses looking to leverage the latest technological advancements.

Market Trends and Business Forecasts for 2024

1. Increased Integration of AI and Machine Learning

The integration of AI and machine learning in CRM and ERP systems is becoming more advanced. These technologies are enhancing customer relationship management by providing deeper insights, predictive analytics, and personalized customer experiences.

2. Growing Emphasis on Customer Experience

Businesses are increasingly focusing on customer experience as a key differentiator. CRM systems, in particular, are evolving to not just manage relationships but to actively enhance customer engagement and satisfaction.

3. Rise of Cloud-Based Solutions

The shift towards cloud-based CRM and ERP solutions continues to grow. Cloud platforms offer scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness, making them attractive for businesses of all sizes.

4. Demand for Mobile Accessibility

With the rise of remote work and on-the-go business operations, there’s an increased demand for mobile-friendly CRM and ERP solutions. This trend is driving the development of mobile-first strategies in these systems.

5. Data Security and Privacy Concerns

As businesses collect more customer data, concerns around data security and privacy are intensifying. CRM and ERP systems are focusing more on incorporating robust security measures and complying with global data protection regulations.

6. Customization and User-Friendly Interfaces

There’s a growing demand for customizable and user-friendly interfaces in CRM and ERP systems. Businesses want solutions that can be tailored to their specific needs without requiring extensive technical expertise.

7. Integration with Other Business Tools

Seamless integration with other business tools and systems is becoming a critical requirement. Businesses are seeking solutions that can easily connect with their existing software ecosystem.

These trends suggest that businesses in 2024 will prioritize technologically advanced, flexible, and customer-focused CRM/ERP solutions, with Salesforce being a leading choice due to its alignment with these trends.

Final Thoughts

Taking into account these insights, the potential benefits of transitioning to Salesforce in 2024 emerge clearly. Businesses seeking to harness advanced analytics, AI, and a comprehensive customer-centric approach will discover that Salesforce stands out as an optimal choice.

Salesforce’s scalability, robust integration ecosystem, and commitment to innovation actively position it as a leading solution for enterprises striving to thrive in the evolving business landscape.

For those contemplating this strategic transition, delving into professional Salesforce development services can offer the expertise and support required to maximize the platform’s capabilities and align them with your business objectives.